Sarah Aydinalp, In Depth Editor
Eminem is Sarah Aydinalp’s best friend, so if you want her to deliver a personal message, she’d be happy to do that for you because Sarah is also your best friend. Over the years, Sarah has become more and more sarcastic, so know that. Catch her on the weekends wearing her Snuggie while watching crime shows and independent indie flicks with dogs Hansel and Pippin by her side. In her opinion, elephant seals are the most underappreciated mammal. Her biggest, most ambitious dream is to one day graduate from Your Mom University. Later in life she plans to move to the middle of nowhere (where there still happens to be a Chipotle) to pursue her passions and become a minimalistic hippie who brews amazing coffee and is known for her underwater basket weaving skills. Vital information: she doesn’t eat animals because she loves them too much, breakfast is her favorite meal, chai tea lattes make her day, and she likes to find a song lyric that applies to every moment of her existence. Quality literature titles include “Catcher in the Rye” and “Why Girls are Weird.” The world would be a better place if everyone watched “Monk” and did yoga. It’s that simple. Someone at one point said, “Expect the unexpected.” Yo, yo, yo, it’s Amanda’s Jacuzzi. If you ever need a rapper for a party or small get together, Sarah is your girl. She can be reached at 1-800-BAD-A$$. Please recycle.