
Maybe from the title, you realized that this blawg is about grapefruit. Internet high five you clever kid, you.

Over break, I realized that I love this magnificent, beautiful, juicy food that contains many vitamins and things that are awesome for your body. Naturally, I googled it, but was shocked at the lack of results that popped up. Nevertheless, I discovered these five things, thanks to Wikipedia:

-Yoko Ono wrote a book called “Grapefruit.”

-The Jamaican sweet orange in an ancestor.

-Grapefruit juice contains furanocoumarins (I don’t think anyone actually knows what those are).

-It was discovered in the eighteenth century in Barbados and called “forbidden fruit.”

-The binomial name is citrus paradisi #tbt bio class.

Wow, you’re smarter already! Now I’m going to tell you a story.

Once upon a time I was younger, and my grandmother would always have a grapefruit cut and ready, sitting in a blue and white bowl with a strong Dutch influence when I ate breakfast over at her and my grandfather’s home. That’s how I realized that grapefruit was a fruit of love. Because it isn’t like an apple, or grapes, or strawberries, or blueberries. You can’t just open a container and pop a grapefruit into your mouth. No siree, you have to decide you want it more than you’re afraid of it, because you have to work for it. First, you need to select the ripest one. Then, you must use a serrated knife to cut dat citrus circus in half. What next? You have to use a grapefruit knife (wow, that’s serious. This fruit has its own knife), and cut all the way around in a circle around the fruit, then you have to separate the actual flesh from the membrane (Did someone say membrane?!). Lastly, you’ll want to lightly sprinkle powdered sugar on top of your newly created work of art. Muy bien.

Ya see what I mean? It’s a labor of love. And it’s delicious.

Sarah says, “A grapefruit a day keeps the doctor away!” so go pick one up at your local grocery store today.