The Perks of Being a Vegetarian

Being a vegetarian is awesome. Yes, I acknowledge that some people need to eat meat to live, but I feel much better when I don’t. Ever since cutting meat out of my diet, I’ve noticed an improvement in my energy levels and in my mood. I no longer feel sluggish and weighed down after eating.

Senior Lauren Tabor, a vegetarian for two years, has noticed the same changes. One of the reasons she changed her diet was, in her words, that, “I learned more about how meat is processed in the US, and it grosses me out. I don’t support that.”

If you’re considering quitting cold turkey (bah dah tss), consider eating all your favorite meats in the week leading up to when you cut the cord. I ate a Subway sandwich with chicken, meatloaf, burgers galore, steak, and most likely several other pork, chicken, and beef products right before I quit.

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Thankfully, there are so many yummy meat alternatives nowadays that I don’t miss out on any of my favorite foods. Trader Joe’s has kickin’ Chicken-less Orange Chicken, I get to eat barbeque sauce on chicken-less chicken tenders, almost all restaurants have some sort of veggie burger/vegetarian options, and cheese makes up for the rest.

I’ve also noticed that my diet has become significantly healthier since I’ve eliminated animal proteins. I’m eating more vegetables, beans, and hearty whole grains like quinoa and freekah instead of filling up on my former kryptonite, burgers. “Protein is important! If you’re not getting enough in the food that you eat, take supplements,” Tabor said.

Sure, there have been moments where I’ve wanted to give in, and there have even been moments I didn’t resist, especially in my first few months. I thought, “hey, if I want bacon, I should have some bacon!” or, “maybe I should try one bite of turkey,” that last one at my very first Thanksgiving as a vegetarian. But, I’m not even joking when I say I think the pleasure receptors in my brain have been dulled with regard to meat because it never tastes as good as I remember (now, it’s basically just an oily tasteless substance) and smells absolutely gross. Being a vegetarian is not only eco-friendly, but it also makes you feel better. If you’ve ever even considered eliminating meat from your diet, I say, go for it.