
As I sit here and type this blawg, I feel very annoyed. One might even say extremely irritated. Why? Because my computer’s being slow and my internet isn’t working. Yes, that’s part of it. Also, I’m tired of people being scared.

Today, I am a motivational speaker, and I’m here to talk to you about the dangers of letting opportunities pass you by. Because that sucks. You might never get to know someone who could’ve made your life better because you were too afraid to talk to them. You might not go to an event that could’ve changed your life. You could’ve run into someone and they could’ve said something that you’d never forget and that would’ve propeled you forward to do great things. I mean, if you are handed a golden opportunity, don’t back away. Don’t talk yourself out of it. Just do it! If you’re normally shy, break out of your comfort zone. Stop letting fear hold you back because that’s no way to live, and living with regrets is absolutely horrendous so don’t give yourself the chance to regret oodles and oodles of moments (or noodles). Let’s take a second to clarify that by no means am I relating this to partying and underage drinking, etc. I’m simply talking about life as a whole.

But I mean, who says you have to go to college immediately following high school? Who says you have to do things the exact same way everyone else does them just because that’s normal and comfortable? The worst thing you can do is to get stuck in a mindset where you think that everything has to be done a certain way, because it most certainly doesn’t. Did Alexander Graham Bell think he shouldn’t invent the telephone because people previously weren’t using one? I don’t think so. Did Einstein think he shouldn’t solve the equation E=mc^2 because no one needed it before? Nope. Wow. Think about how set back society would be if nobody was ever courageous and didn’t fight “the norm.” Honestly, take chances.  JUST BREAK AWAY LIKE KELLY CLARKSON.

Sarah says living in fear is no way to live, so go get ‘em tiger.