How Not To Spend Money and Still Be Happy While Doing It

Maybe you’re making a little bit of bank because you just got a job, or you’re working extra hours. If you’re like most people, you feel wonderful because of all this newfound freedom you’ve acquired in the form of cold, hard cash (or actual paychecks). However, young grasshopper, you must be wise with all this money you have, because sure, it’d be easy to go out and spend it all….but here’s how you can save big:

Option one: Immediately put all your money away into your bank account. If it’s a checking account, you won’t feel like you’re locking it up with no way to get it, but you’ll also be much less tempted to use it. It also might help to think of that money as “for emergencies only.” That way, spending is reduced to a bare minimum. Even if you slip up once or twice and splurge on McDonald’s, you’ll still have a growing pool of dough you’ll be able to tap into in times of trial.

Option two: Only put checks into your account. Any cash, you can keep. This way, all the money you earn from your actual job that gets taxed by the government can go into your account. You’ll feel adult-like and important, while still doing yourself a favor. And hey, with all this money you’re making, it’d almost be dangerous to just have cash floating around everywhere in your house. At least you know most of it is safe and you don’t have to keep track of hundreds of thousands of dollar bills that you would have if you’d cashed those checks.

Option three: If you’re only ever paid in cash, option two won’t be very effective. If you have a decent amount of self-control, figure out a mathematical percentage for you to stow away and spend. I think 80/20 would be best, but really, anything more than 50/50 means you’re winning. Helpful tip: try not to carry more than $60 on your person at any given time. Second helpful tip: the less you think you have available to spend, the less you’ll actually spend.

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The easiest thing to do to save your riches is to really think about what you’re buying when you buy it. It’s that simple. Don’t buy that giant stuffed unicorn at Target for $13.99, even though originally it was $30 and you think you’ll die without it. Unless this is the item you’ve been saving up for for months, or you know you’ll love this unicorn until the day you die/get it tattooed on your neck, put it back. Chances are, you’ll forget about it within the next forty-eight hours.

The simplest way to feel happy without spending money is by realizing that by saying no to a few burritos, clothes you’ll never wear, and superfluous items you’ll never use, you’re not only keeping some extra currency in your pocket, but you’re reducing the amount of excess clutter in your life. Picture this: a spring cleaning down the road where you have to do nothing but dust off your bookshelf, refold the clothes you really love, and Swiffer your floor instead of sorting through endless piles of junks. Sounds nice, huh?

Happy saving!