Linnea Shively, Page Editor
Finally a senior, Linnea is looking forward to her second year on staff as a page editor! Linnea is well known by her friends as being a La Croix addict, and drinks multiple cans (or packages) a day. Another item commonly associated with Linnea is hand sanitizer, since she loves to make absolutely sure that her hands are clean before eating lunch. Previously teased as a germaphobe, everyone began asking her for hand sanitizer from her stockpile once COVID caused it to disappear from stores. After school went online in March, she rediscovered the television show N.C.I.S., and has become even more obsessed with it than La Croix. After she graduates from college in 2025, Linnea plans to backpack across Europe, and has already started figuring out which countries to visit, as she loves to plan excessively far in advance.