
Is it possible to look classy without wearing a suit? You betcha!

Meet me, in a pajama set. I feel like I should be riding a freaking tiger when I wear them. (While simultaneously watching Netflix movies all day.) That’d be a good existence.

Actually though, words can’t express how classy and somewhat elderly I feel in these bad boys.

I got them for Christmas-Kwanzaa-Hanukkah and my life has taken a 180 turn for the better. Life becomes better when you own a floral notch collared set of comfort. It does. Trust me. I dare you to go order a pair for yourself. Then, let’s start a book club. And the nice thing is, pajamas aren’t super fitted so you don’t have the normal online struggle where nothing ever fits and somehow you’re an XXXXXXXS or and XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL when you’re really just a small. It’s basically a win-win-win. How is that possible? Science.

These PJs give me wings. Heck, they’re the wind beneath my wings. One time, I sent a photo of myself wearing them to an amiga and the response was, “those are so sophisticated are they silk because then you’d be classier than Donald Trump.” Yeah. That’s right. Boom goes the dynamite. Sw@ggg. Justin Bieber. Lemons. Tigers. Bears. Beets. Bears. Battlestar Galactica.

I hope you can keep up with me and all that random jumble. Power to ya.

Sarah says girl power first, pajama power second, then go go Power Rangers.