Fall Athlete Quiz
Zephyrus set out to discover how much athletes know about other sports in their season by asking them three simple questions:
1. Cross-Country: How does scoring work in Cross-Country?
Cross-Country athlete: The top five racers on each team score points equal to their respective places. The team with the least total points wins. (Answer)
Football athlete: “Obviously they decide who comes in first,” said junior Patrick Werner. Wrong!
Soccer athlete: “I have no idea,” said junior Brett Weicht. No answer, incorrect.
2. Football: How many players for one team are on the field at a time?
Cross-Country athlete: “Pass,” said junior Shannon Spalding before running into a classroom, and asking, “Colmann, how many players are on at once?” Running
back she reported, “Eleven.” Maybe a little cheating involved, but correct nonetheless.
Football athlete: There are eleven players on the field at a time for each team. (Answer)
Soccer athlete: “Eleven,” answered Weight. Correct!
3. Soccer: How is offsides determined in soccer?
Cross-Country athlete: “You’re behind their last defender and you get the ball,” answered Spalding. Essentially right although a little vague.
Football athlete: “A player without the ball cannot be past two players on the opposing team,” answered Werner. Off the mark.
Soccer athlete: At the time a teammate passes the ball, if the receiving player is past all opponents excluding the goalie, he or she is offsides. (Answer)
By and large, these athletes did lack some simple knowledge about other sports which is quite all right. That being said, if one understands the rules of other sports, they may be able to better appreciate and respect those sports.

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John J • Nov 8, 2013 at 10:05 am
I liked reading your article because it was interesting to see how much athletes knew about other sports. Although the results were what I would expect them to be, I still was entertained while reading. A suggestion for a future article would be to maybe do the same thing but with a different season.
Logan Ramlet • Nov 8, 2013 at 10:04 am
Good-spirited article, I don’t think there are many of its kind. You should look into following this kind of article up again in the winter, and then spring.
disqus_7vUNnAuj8e • Nov 8, 2013 at 10:01 am
Being a fall sport athlete i did not know that much about other sports other than soccer. This article really informed me about other sports in the fall and while keeping me interested as well. Maybe you could do a follow up article on summer or winter athlete quizzes.
Jonathan D • Nov 3, 2013 at 9:18 pm
This was a fun and amusing way to learn and educate students about fall sports. I enjoyed reading this article and you should definitely do a winter edition to this between Basketball, Hockey and Alpine Skiing.