Edina Rugby Takes On the UK
Edina Rugby
The Edina Rugby Team went on a trip in the United Kingdom to learn more about the game. “The team is going to get world-class experience and training from some of the best teams in the world,” said junior Ezra Sergent-Leventhal before the trip. They were in England for six days, as they left on Feb. 11 and returned on Feb. 17.
The team stayed in Gloucester and Rugby, England. “Gloucester is a city famous for its Cathedral. Rugby is the place where the game was invented,” said Sergent-Leventhal. For a little geographic help, Gloucester is west of London and Rugby is northwest of London in central England.
The team played matches against Old Richians Rugby Football Club (with a win of twenty-seven points to zero), and Bilton RFC (with another win of twenty-eight to fourteen). The team also watched a professional Rugby Union game between Leicester and Gloucester.
To help provide funding for some athletes who wanted to go on the trip but couldn’t afford it, “[The team] had numerous flower sales, a garage sale, and a dinner party,” said Sergent-Leventhal.
Other than playing rugby and travelling, the team headed to the Alnwick Castle thirty miles outside of Newcastle, where most of the Harry Potter films were shot. In addition, they went to see the Webb Ellis Museum, which honors the man who allegedly created the sport of rugby.
“Nowhere in the U.S. do we [get the] opportunity to train with English National Team members as we do here,” said Sergent-Leventhal. Teammates agreed that this trip will change their respect for the sport. “Visiting the city of Rugby allowed us to gain an appreciation of the history of rugby that we will not soon forget,” said Sergent-Leventhal.
Upon the team’s return, senior John Stych said, “The trip was a totally rockin’ time.” For the team members who were able to attend, there was lots of time to grow closer. And as for their matches in England? “We killed it,” said Stych.

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Quin • Feb 26, 2014 at 6:12 pm
This was an interesting article, but there are some incorrect facts. We defeated the Old Richians 26-12 and Bilton RFC 46-0. Also the cathedral in Gloucester was where most of the Harry Potter scenes were shot, and the castle we went to was Warwick castle in Warwick. Also there is an article about us on the Leicester blog. http://www.leicestertigers.com/news/18900.php#.UwSFt2J_vSk
This was an amazing trip, thanks for exposing the readers to the sport.
marcus • Feb 24, 2014 at 4:58 pm
This was a good article and seems like they enjoyed their trip very much. A good idea for another article is to recap their upcoming season.
Matthew Crain • Feb 24, 2014 at 11:54 am
Quin Gilligan is in my english class and he was on that trip! I bet they had so much fun. I really like this article because the writer describes each place the team went to.
Syver Johansen • Mar 13, 2014 at 1:20 pm
Good point Matt!
Abdi Sahal • Feb 23, 2014 at 10:33 pm
Why is it that rugby is not an Olympic sport given that many country’s have large amounts of participants in the sport?
bluedevilboy • Feb 19, 2014 at 9:37 am
Why is rugby only a club sport? Why not make it a school sponsored sport?