Edina Girls’ Tennis Wins 17th Consecutive State Title
Edina Girls Tennis won state for the seventeenth consecutive time on Oct. 23, thus breaking the record for “most consecutive state titles” that they had set last year. Zephyrus got a chance to interview senior Maddie Boyer and senior Bridget Kluesner about the win.
Zephyrus: How does it feel to be a part of the Edina Girls Tennis legacy?
Bridget Kluesner: Honestly, it’s the best feeling in the world. You get to be part of such a wonderful experience and it’s definitely not something I take for granted. I now have twenty new sisters!
Maddie Boyer: I feel honored to be a part of the EGT legacy. I’m always meeting former players, teammate’s parents, coaches, you name it, that played Edina Girls’ Tennis. It’s an instant connection and fun to trade stories. It’s something I’ll always be able to look back on and be proud of – I’m very lucky to be a part of this group!
Zephyrus: What was the pressure like to keep the legacy going?
B.K.: There is a ton of pressure because you are expected to win, and the people at school expect you to win too. Our coach never puts pressure on us though. He just says the only pressure is for us to play our game.
M.B.: There is definitely pressure to keep the streak going but winning state isn’t up to one player, it’s up to the whole team. Whenever I felt pressure during the season I just reminded myself that I’m on a team with some of the most talented, hard-working players in the state, which is always a confidence booster! Our team is also great at pumping each other up; nothing takes the pressure off more than knowing your teammates are 100% behind you.
Zephyrus: What was the highlight of your tennis career?
B.K.: The highlight of my tennis career was at state this year when my doubles partner and I won the fourth point for our team to win state.
M.B.:The highlight of my tennis career has been the two seasons I got to spend with my sister on the team. It’s been a lot of fun!

Madeline Marker has accomplished many things in her 16 years of life. Her lengthy list includes but is not limited to being a band dropout, finishing 84th...
JD • Nov 15, 2013 at 2:13 pm
Great article, historic achievement.
Ellie • Nov 8, 2013 at 10:04 am
Congrats to the Edina Girls Tennis Team! This really shows how hard they have worked to earn it and how much pressure is really on them to win every year.