
Bridgit Loeffelholz

Compliments! Yay!

“I’m going to run around so slowly you won’t even be able to see me.” This is something that I said that didn’t even make sense but that someone still told me was funny, and that was great.

Compliment: noun


1. a polite expression of praise or admiration.

Thanks, Google.

Here’s a basic guide: when someone insults you, you feel bad. When someone gives you a ˈkämpləmənt’ you feel pretty freakin’ awesome about yourself and those around you. You just have a little extra glow about you, you smile more, and sometimes you even cry a little and become emotional. It’s a bit like pregnancy.

I may or may not have received a really wonderful compliment from a stranger, then taken the picture that coordinated with my blawg the following day. Who knows. I don’t.

However, useful advice here, do not compliment people all the time. There’s a really delicate balance between being nice and making people uncomfortable because all you ever do is say nice things to them. Too much flattery can be a bad thing, and can lead to dangerously large egos the size of Manhattan or China. You for sure don’t want that. No. It’s bad.

Sidenote: I’m actually good friends with the band Imagine Dragons, if you’ve ever heard of them, and they wrote the song “On Top of the World” after I told them how much I liked their hair. If that doesn’t move you, I don’t know what will.

Sarah says be yourself to receive compliments because someone will love you just the way you are (Bruno Mars told me).