Think about America.
In rapid succession your brain probably fired images of beers, brats, and baseball.
Well, I’m definitely underage and vegetarian, but I do have eyes that can watch sports.
I went to the Twins stadium to watch a game, and I was very beautifully in a suite. It was probably the best experience of my life. And it most certainly was up there on the top 5 days of my life. I ate some hummus, but that’s not why it was so great.
The amount of love and pride I felt for my country surged through my veins throughout the evening, and that’s pretty cool. Especially because I’ve never felt that way before. In a way, I think I felt like a father. A middle aged man with offspring, and I didn’t hate it. Maybe I’m predicting the future for myself. I sure hope so!
Sarah says America. Because America.
Eminem is Sarah Aydinalp’s best friend, so if you want her to deliver a personal message, she’d be happy to do that for you because Sarah is also your...