Zephyrus Articles Through History: Part VI
One year ago: Zephyrus covered the selection of Pope Francis I to be the new pope after Pope Benedict XVI became the first pope in six hundred years to step down from the position. The article took a more controversial turn when a homosexual student wrote a letter to the editor, disagreeing with the assertion in the article that “Edinans have high hopes for Francis I.”
Three years ago: This is by far one of the most poorly-conceived editions of Zephyrus of all time – there are so many blatant problems with this edition that I can’t focus on just one. The front cover features the home address of a student, private information that in all certainty shouldn’t be printed out several thousand times and distributed to every student in the school. The content of the newspaper is no better, which has no actual news but rather text-talk, heavy-handed satire about hipsters, and constant inside jokes and sexual references. To fill space, the writers, who clearly were running short on ideas, had a short section on people who look like animals and reprinted the lyrics to the song “Black and Yellow.” Like any good piece of literature, this issue of Zephyrus has a thesis. It is: “Never do anything like this again.”
Five years ago: Although cities like Chicago and New York are usually associated with 1920’s mob-action, an article showed that speakeasies and corruption were rampant here in the Twin Cities as well. The historical piece revealed that the St. Paul underworlds were once controlled by Irish mob boss Danny “Dapper” Hogan. He operated illegal gambling and drinking out of his bar called “The Green Lantern,” perhaps the namesake of the second-tier superhero. Dapper was later murdered with a car bomb by his underling Harry “Dutch” Sawyer.
Ten years ago: A morally questionable article in in-depth focused on what to do if you are caught drinking or smoking marijuana. Although it could be interpreted as an article about citizens’ rights, the opening paragraph suggests that the average reader uses drugs recreationally.
Twenty-five years ago: An opinion piece criticized Joe “Crazy Joe” Clark, then the principle of a high school in Paterson, New Jersey. He was known for harsh discipline, expelling three hundred students in one day for infractions as small as being tardy. He referred to some students as “leeches and parasites.” Also in this edition a news article revealed that a law had been passed making it a misdemeanor for adults to hold keggers for underaged drinkers and an opinion piece complained about how a group of Edina Students had spent their time at Sweethearts spitting on Filipino women.
Fifty years ago: A piece of writing in the opinion section centered around a different opinion article, this one appearing in the Minneapolis Morning Tribune. The other article advised students to stay away from a mysterious “night spot” called “Mr. Lucky’s.” The article in the student paper advised the school to host more “dances, sock hops, and fun nights” on Saturday nights so as to draw students away from Mr. Lucky’s.

John Shipman Osler III is currently a junior at Edina High School, and is happy to have made it through sophomore year. He is involved in his second year...