#001: The First Month Blues

I don’t know about you, but for me the thrill and novelty of the first weeks of school wear off as fast as my summer tan. Yes, it’s great to be back with all your friends who you may not have seen for the past three months, and compare summer stories, but soon the realization that school has started hits you like a big yellow school bus, and the days drag by as slowly as the South parking lot on a Friday.

In between Homecoming and Sadie’s, the days for me drag on in what I like to call “first month blues”. This is that time when nothing much is going on, and the cycle of waking up, going to school, coming home, and (not) sleeping becomes too tedious to stand. How to survive the first month blues? While difficult, here are a few things that can help pass the time.

Treat yourself! Once a week, I try and swing by the DECAfé, and grab a pick-me-up. The toughest day of the week for sure is Thursday, so I try and recharge enough to get me to the Friday afternoon awaiting me. My weapon of choice is coffee, and the DECAfé is stocked. Want to make a junior happy? Buy her a Frappuccino, or a hazelnut cappuccino from the deCafe. (Note: that junior is me, and all coffee is greatly appreciated).

Another way to survive the blues is to plan something to look forward to. If you don’t have anything but the next Monday to look forward to, chances are your week is going to drag on even slower than anticipated. Even if it’s just plans to go grocery shopping with your mom, it’s something to plan for and get your mind off of the week at hand. Having something fun planned for the weekend also keeps me focused because as soon as I finish X, Y, and Z, I can get to my plans ASAP.

Although simple, to get out of my slump enough to get stuff done, I am constantly listening to music. Find a new artist, and listen to their album on a loop as you crank out your APUSH IDs. It helps pass the time and get your mind off of the fact that you still have about eight months left.

Tip #001: Don’t let the first month blues get you down for the rest of the year. Find something you love, get focused, and survive this year.