Q&A with a lead of the spring musical ‘Chicago’

Morgan Sheehy, managing editor

Zephyrus: What is challenging about bringing this script to life?

Alex Zykova: I think that the most challenging part about bringing this script to life is keeping it appropriate for our community’s standards while bringing the magic of this fantastic show alive!


Z: What character do you play? Can you describe their personality a little bit?

AZ: I play Velma Kelly, one of the most well-known performers and murderesses in Chicago. She adores the spotlight and works her hardest to get exactly what she wants.


Z: Why did you want to be involved in this production?

AZ: In the theater world, this show is iconic, to say the least. Bob Fosse (the musical’s creator) was a brilliant man and Chicago is one of the most well-known and loved musicals of all time! I was so excited when I found out that this [would] be our spring production.


Z: How is this production bringing something new to this story?

AZ: Our production interprets the story in a way that shows that even though we may get our fame and love in the moment, if it’s artificial, it could never last. In other productions of Chicago that I’ve seen, the glitz and glamour seem to never fade, even though nearly every character has done something awful for personal gain.


Z: How is this character like you? Different?

AZ: I would like to think that Velma and I both are very independent women who are determined to achieve their goals and aspirations. On the other hand, I would never be as manipulative or vicious as my character, even if it may result in success for myself.


Z: What do you love about this character?

AZ: I love how throughout the show, the audience will not only see Velma’s “masked” side but her vulnerable side as well. It’s a great lesson on how even those who may seem to have their life together and are successful, might not always be the happiest.


Z: Who has the best costume in the show?

AZ: I think that Lily Randall, who plays Matron Mama Morton, has the best costume. She gets to wear this INCREDIBLE coat… it’s so soft.


Z: What is the biggest challenge about taking on this role?

AZ: The biggest challenge taking on this role has been to get into the mindset of a master, and occasionally evil, manipulator. But then throughout that process, to slowly experience her breaking points and realizing how her life is crumbling before her eyes. Some days it feels as though I go through 100 different emotions, just at one rehearsal!


Z: Without giving anything away, what is your favorite line of dialogue?

AZ: My favorite line of dialogue has to be, “They’ll never know, you’re just a bagel.”


Z: If you could play any other character in this show, who would it be? Why?

AZ: Other than playing Velma Kelly, I feel as though playing Amos Hart would be so fun and new! I typically never get cast as the shy character (even though I am quite shy myself), so I feel like that would be interesting to play someone that I could relate to even more than others in the past.


Z: Call someone out by name to come see this show:

AZ: Hey Nate Pederson! Come see the show!!


Z: Besides yourself, which actor in this production is going to blow people away? Why?

AZ: It’s hard to pick just one but… Brady Evans. He’s so talented in every way and has been such a team player throughout the entire rehearsal process.