Live-Action “Cinderella” Brings More to the Classic

A promotional still from the 2015 film “Cinderella”.
Just like the well-known animated motion picture, “Cinderella”, the new live-action remake by Disney, both enchants and entices the audience. While being extremely similar to the original, the remake adds to the personality and build of each character in the film. In the new movie, directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring newcomer Lily James, Cinderella is shown to be strong-willed and kind after making a final promise to her mother before she passes away. The original, having no explained background of the story, just shows off Cinderella as some perfect goody-two-shoes with no complete personality.
Besides personalities differentiating the two movies, the new background also plays a huge role. The stepmother, though still brought up to be evil in the new movie, has more of a reason to be cruel based on the grief that was brought upon her after her former husband died of sickness. After the new husband, Cinderella’s father, left them swimming in debt she was more than willing to fire all of their servants and leave Cinderella to do all the work.
The new version, having a refined background, also causes each interaction between roles to be much more believable. Having met the prince prior to ball unknowingly, Cinderella finds herself wanting to attend the ball to see her friend Kit, or the prince who claimed to be an apprentice named Kit. This makes the fairy tale much less cringe-worthy if you hate the love-at-first-sight kind of romance.
So although the remade princess film is still a bit cheesy, it still keeps the audience eager to watch what happens next regardless if they already know what ensues.
Overall, I would give this film a seven out of ten because even though I liked the new take on the movie, I found myself somewhat disappointed at the romance between the prince and Cinderella. Though it was much better done than the original, the romance was still slightly insta-love, or love at first sight.

Megan Talghader, 15, is a sophomore staff writer for Edina High School’s Zephryus. She likes to write for the opinion section, and aspires to be a page...