If you were deferred, don’t fret! There are still plenty of things to do to better your chances. Counselor Janet Schmiel suggested sending semester one senior grades, new accomplishments and anything else that wasn’t included in the application. “The main thing is letting the college know that you’re still interested,” she said. Mrs. Schmiel also suggested finding the reason for the deferral. “Maybe you find out that they deferred you because of your ACT or SAT score, then you could try to take those again and better your scores, same with grades.”
Even getting rejected by Early Action or Early Decision has pros. Senior John Bryan, who was rejected from Princeton University, said, “Even though I was rejected, it was a positive to know that Princeton was no longer an option earlier rather than later. I was able to really figure what other schools would be my top choices.”
According to College Board, about 450 colleges have an Early Action plan, Early Decision plan, or both. To search if that dream college is on the list, go to www.collegeboard.org
Ashley Smith writes about the college search for Edina High School students in the College Corner. The College Corner will give you tips and tricks from counselors at Edina and high school students for finding the perfect college. What would you like to see covered in the College Corner? Email Ashley at ashleynsmith.928@gmail.com for suggestions!