The Zephyrus Guide To Successful Finals Studying
January 13, 2014
Put off studying for finals until the last minute? Stressed? Easily relieve some tension from your study routine and maximize your time using the following helpful tips put together by a team of experts and highly-trained sled dogs.
1. Find a workspace where you can organize easily, and lay all of your school materials out in front of you.
2. Make a to-do list covering all subjects that you should study for.
3. Make sure you have a quiet, distraction-free environment by locking your immediate family outside the house for a week. If they try to get in, set traps.
4. A good playlist is key for studying. At this point, take fifteen minutes to an hour to put together a comprehensive, personal iTunes playlist that will serve as a backdrop for all the hard work you’re about to do. Mine is simply “Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas)” by Santana on repeat, but find what works for you.
5. Nutrition is key to a good study session, so for a fun snack, rustle around in the kitchen and grab a bowl of celery. Proceed to cover the celery in peanut butter, and then garnish with little raisins on top. This is a delicacy known as “ants on a log,” which you’ve probably never even heard of.
6. Now that you have everything ready to go, pull out your smartphone and Instagram the set-up. Find a good filter, and insert a witty caption. A sure way to beef up likes is to tag all of your friends in the comments. This will guarantee that they look at your post and see how hard you are studying.
7. Before you sit down, make sure the temperature is ideal for focus. Studies have shown that the ideal temperature for productivity is 295.928 Kelvin. So grab a blanket, or simply throw yourself into a burning fire, because frankly I have no idea what Kelvin is.
8. Now you’re going to want to sit down and get a crackin’. But before you do, go upstairs and fill the tub with warm water, strip down, and get in. Lay back and mentally prepare for everything you have to do. For extra effect light candles, but be advised, for adequate candle safety, always have a certified fire marshal in the tub with you. Feel free to ask him to loufa your back. It’s his job.
9. Once you’ve toweled off and slipped into a luxurious robe, return to your workstation. Has it been trashed by raccoons? If so, call animal control. If not, sit down and take a deep breath. Be thankful your workstation has not been trashed by raccoons. Positivity will help your work moving forward.
10. Now that you are ready to start, make a last-ditch effort to get out of finals all together by repeatedly calling Assistant Principal Eric Nelson and pleading to be exempt. If he stops answering or threatens to suspend you, you know he’s close to caving. Also, rumor has it if you say “brrr” and make a shivering motion in front of Governor Dayton he will cancel school all together.
11. Now, if you are still overwhelmed by the whole concept of finals, you’re going to want to pack some of your things into a bandana, tie the bandana to a stick, and then make your way north to the Yukon, where the only “finals” you’ll have to do involve surviving sub-zero temperatures with no shelter, scavenging for food, and fending off wolves. Note: you may want to channel Liam Neeson and tape broken glass bottles onto your knuckles for the best defense against wolves.
So there you have it, a surefire way to enhance your studying and get the most out of the whole experience. Good luck, and happy hunting!