The Real Senior Slide
1. Wake up at 8:15 a.m., and just leave, who needs to look good? All you really need to do is sleep.
2. Don’t bring your backpack, it’s not like you did your homework anyways, so just leave it at home.
3. Stroll into first hour a few minutes late, walking through the halls laughing while the second bell rings, and you get to watch all the sophomores sprinting to class with their backpacks bouncing up and down. Meanwhile, you know that getting a tardy for being 15 seconds late is the same as getting one for being 3 minutes late.
4. Sit down in your usual spot, but don’t forget to take your headphones and iPhone out. There’s nothing like a little early morning jam session.
5. Just when you’re about to put your headphones in, you realize the teacher is telling you there’s a test today. At first you begin to panic because you didn’t study for this, then you realize you don’t care because you’re already in college!
6. Whiz your way through the test without double checking answers because YOLO.
7. Breeze through the rest of your day stopping to chat between classes, and ending up tardy to almost every single one.
8. The last bell rings, and you realize you can go home and take that after school nap you’ve been waiting for. Considering all that work you put in at school, you deserve it. Sike! You barely did anything, but you’re still gonna take the nap.
9. Post-nap workout at Lifetime with some people, I’ve got to get in shape for senior Spring Break, am I right?
10. Go home, eat everything in your house, and go to bed.
*Repeat every weekday until weekends*

With the daunting task of completing her final year at Edina High School, Ellie Kohner decided to take a giant leap and join the crazy world of a high...