Starting the School Year Off Right
EHS senior Perry Bruder is a blogger for Zephyrus.
The start of school can be a very stressful time. It’s a difficult period of adjustment to become acquainted with your new classes and getting used to being in a different grade, but the first days of school are crucial in setting the tone for the rest of the year. Here are some tips to get started on the right foot:
1. Learn the expectations for every class backwards and forwards.
This is very helpful for maintaining good grades. Investigate important things such as, “What’s the teacher’s retake policy?”, “Do they accept late work?”, and “When can I meet with them?” While these concerns may seem trivial now, in the first few weeks, questions regarding classroom policies arise very often in the middle of the year when it seems least convenient.
2. Study well in every class.
At the beginning of the year, it can be tempting to slack on coursework, especially when you think the concepts are pretty easy, but this is a big mistake because developing good study habits at the start of the year will enforce them throughout the year. Also, you may find that as concepts build upon themselves, recalling information from the beginning of the year is very important.
3. Become involved with some extracurriculars.
There’s numerous ways to become involved outside of school. The start of a new year is the perfect time to join that club, or tryout for that sport you’ve been interested in. Extracurricular activities are oftentimes very fun and can greatly enhance one’s high school experience.
Perry Bruder of Edina, Minnesota, was born in Minneapolis in 1997. He is a sophomore at Edina High School. Perry has a loving family which consists of...