The Protect IP is yet another piece of legislation that I believe shows how moronic our government is. The Protect IP bill is a bill that has recently been drawn up and is to be voted on soon in the Senate and House of Representatives. This bill was designed to allow the government to block americans ability to type in any sites that endanger the entertainment industry or even block sites that have links to incriminated sites. Basically this means that all file sharing sites will be banned, and any site that links to these types of sites. One could link to a file sharing site on Facebook, therefore this could ban Facebook and other sites that the government feels is endangering the entertainment industry. This bill would effectively cripple the internet and put us leagues behind other nations technologically. Additionally, this type of internet “control” is used by countries like China and Iran who have been severely crippled by censoring the internet. Lastly, the internet industry brings in significantly more profit than the entertainment business ever will so our economy could also suffer from this bill. Although this bill was made with good-hearted intentions to control pirating there are far more negative impacts that will come from this bill than positives. This bill has no place in our nation and I urge everyone to sign online petitions to oppose this atrocious bill.
Andrew Petersen
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