Knowledge Bowl Team seeks success at State

Bennett Crater

Edina’s Knowledge Bowl team poses with a trophy after qualifying for state.

Devarsh Borah, staff writer

On Feb. 28th, Edina High School’s Knowledge Bowl Team competed at the Norlander Regional Meet, placing second overall and qualifying for the Minnesota State Knowledge Bowl Tournament. 

“Knowing that we will be going to the state tournament is a really great feeling, especially considering all of the hard work we have put in to get here in the first place,” sophomore Beckett Pursey said. “The ability to even compete at the state tournament is an honor in itself, and regardless of the result I am super proud to have reached this point.” For sophomore Jack O’Brien, the opportunity to compete at state is a deep source of personal pride. “I have never competed at a state tournament for any activity before, so I am really excited to compete at state for Knowledge Bowl,” O’Brien said. 

Despite the challenges of preparation, the team is doing everything to ensure they are leaving no stone unturned. “While getting ready for the state tournament has been tough, it is completely worth it knowing our work can help us win state,” Pursey said. Sophomore Joseph Adam highlighted how preparation for the state tournament has become ingrained into almost every part of their life. “Prepping for this tournament has been quite grueling but also rewarding. Unlike many other activities, everything I do goes into preparing for questions. From miscellaneous homework assignments, to assigned reading from school, anything helps,” Adam said. 

Unlike many other Knowledge Bowl teams throughout the state, the Edina Knowledge Bowl Team is unique because it is composed entirely of underclassmen. Yet, despite having a relatively young team, the team has continued to find competitive success, which they aim to replicate at the state tournament. “Going into the state tournament as a young team, as well as being ranked as the number one throughout the regular season, we certainly have a target on our back that we truly want to live up to,” Adam said. 

This piece was originally published in Zephyrus’ print edition on April 20.