Q: What was the highlight of your week (in terms of being on Homecoming Court)?
A: We spent a lot of time together, like going to soccer games and going out to eat together. There was a lot of time to bond.
Q: What was your reaction when you found out you were on Homecoming Court?
A: Very confused, it was five in the morning. My first reaction was ‘why are you here?’ but once I figured it out, I was very excited.
Q: Where did you get your dress?
A: I borrow it from a friend who was on Court last year; I got lucky that I didn’t have to buy a dress.
Q: What was it like having the extra attention?
A: It wasn’t extra attention so much as congratulations.
Q: What will you remember most about being on Homecoming Court?
A: Probably the coronation. The night before, we had a sleepover and did the music together and practiced our dances.