“Endless Love” Review
On Friday, Feb. 7, I went to the movie preview for “Endless Love,” a new release starring Alex Pettyfer and Gabriella Wilde. Going in, I was nervous, because I thought I was going to hate this movie. There’s something about seeing movies in a full theater though, and I’d forgotten how much I love that experience of laughing with a hundred other people instead of waiting until the film’s run is almost done so you’re maybe only with ten other people.
I had a very stimulating conversation about love, marriage, and relationships before this movie, and was surprised by how many of those same topics came up during the film. If you’re not prepared to sit through about thirty minutes of an intense teen love story, you won’t be able to handle “Endless Love.” But after about thirty minutes, it becomes about so much more, and I think it’s worth it. Deep family issues are thrown on display, and cliché love is tested. I’m not going to say that it’s a modern day “Romeo and Juliet,” but it’s a modern day “Romeo and Juliet” adapted to people who are graduating high school and will be forced apart because of distance.
Somehow, this movie was exactly what I needed. I got a (very) good cry out of it, and felt inspired, overwhelmed, loved, and sad all at the same time. Most importantly, the soundtrack was kickin’. Off the charts. Off the chain. Raise the roof.
I think maybe the reason why I connected so much with this movie was because I realized that it could be my life (not really) but I mean, hey, I’m graduating along with the rest of the senior class, and maybe some guy will say, “Hey, I’ve watched you for four years and you’re hot.” Would I object? Maybe. Maybe not. But go see this movie.
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Ellie • Feb 23, 2014 at 11:07 pm
your review
makes me want to see it! I can’t wait!
laura • Feb 13, 2014 at 6:24 pm
this movie sounds good and i cant wait to see it!