A Celebration That Should Come to EHS
April 23rd: the Day of St. George
photo courtesy of thinkhotels.com
The two gifts received on the Day of Saint George
April 20, 2015
For most people in America, Apr. 23 is just the day after Earth Day, but not in Spain. For the Catalonians, that day is known as Día de Sant Jordi (Day of Saint George) or Día de la Rosa (Day of the Rose) and Edina High School Spanish teacher Alejandro Díaz wants to bring this interesting tradition here to Edina.
St. George has been the patron saint of Catalonia since the 15th Century and this holiday stemmed from a famous story of his legendary battle with a dragon. There was once a dragon attacking a village, but St. George slew the dragon and from its blood, a red rose appeared which he gave to the princess. The people celebrate St. George by giving one another gifts; the women typically receive flowers (because the princess’ gift from the saint) while the men receive books, however people can switch the gifts around depending on the person.
The Spaniards are very passionate about this holiday, most of all in the Catalonian region. The streets are lined with vendors selling roses and books for potential customers. In addition, many authors are in the streets ready to sign any books for their fans.
Díaz had the interesting idea of bringing this fun idea to EHS. “You can give your friends or someone special a book,” said Díaz. He says it will promote a love for reading and introduce others to good books. Some are even suggesting making this holiday a school wide event. Díaz recommends telling everyone to let them get on board with this project. “I talked to Ms. Froelich and she was so happy about it. [Practically] jumping with happiness,” said Díaz. It has nothing to do with religion, but instead just an excuse to receive a book from a friend!