An’tee’ Golf
I am not the biggest fan of golf. It’s not so much the actual game of it – I think hitting things with other things is most definitely a sport. I have enjoyed my fair share of minigolf games, though I’ve never actually played normal golf. The things I don’t like about golf are all the concepts and politics surrounding it.
First of all, golf is very preppy. This may be a stereotype, but it seems to me like it’s all polos and khakis and private islands. There’s a reason many golf courses are in country clubs. There is an aspect of exclusivity surrounding golf that makes it seem like an upper-class-only sport. I’m not saying this is true, but there is most definitely a stigma of affluence attached to golf.
Also, it’s very bad for the environment. Not only are golf courses a large expanse of land dedicated to only one thing, but also the grass is trimmed daily and there are tons of chemicals poured into it. The problems this causes to the environment could fill an encyclopedia.
Finally, golf is a sport. There’s no doubt about it. But why, then, are people driving around in vehicles and paying people to carry around their equipment? It seems to me like people playing this sport are trying as hard as possible to avoid any physical activity at all besides swinging their arms around.
Now I’m sure in another world, I’d find golf to be quite pleasant. But the way it’s played today isn’t something I would promote. I’m sure not every golf course or player is this way, but it seems to me that many are. Golf players out there that understand some of these issues: I encourage you to take a stand and try to make golf a more honorable sport.
Adair "Triple A" Andre is a staff writer. She isn't talented enough for anything else. Adair tries to run with the Girls' Cross Country team, but usually...