2017 Sweethearts Court

February 1, 2017

Congratulations to the following students on making Sweethearts court! Coronation will be on Thursday and the Pep Fest will be on Friday. Read the following Q & A to decide the Edina High School Sweethearts King and Queen!

Jake Epple

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?  

Jake Epple: I’m on the Baseball team, alpine, French Club, 212, I am a manager for girls soccer and JGA Hockey, and I’m in the Grill Club.  

Zephyrus: What would you like to do after high school?

J.E.: I’m probably going to Carlton, get a degree, get a job I like, go to graduate school, and maybe become the CEO of my own company.

Zephyrus:  Who are you paired with on court?

J.E.: Quinn Brinkman, she’s awesome and very chill, we’ll have a lot of fun.

Zephyrus: Why should people vote for you?

J.E.: Oh I don’t want people to vote for me, I would feel so uncomfortable because I’m just such an awkward person. I wouldn’t really know what to do with myself, hopefully everyone votes for Tovi.   

Joe Pfefferle

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Joe Pfefferle: I’m in the rugby club, I lead kids at church, and I play house basketball.

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

J.P.: It’s really an honor.

Zephyrus: Sweet or sour candy?

J.P.: Sour.

Zephyrus: Ideal way to be asked to a dance?

J.P.: That’s a good question, probably some pun that has to do with the song “Bad To The Bone.”

Katie Clark

Zephyrus: What clubs, sports, and activities do you participate in?

Katie Clark: Band, Model UN, 212, Windigo, Rotary Exchange

Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?

K.C.: Connor Kirsch

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

K.C.: It’s crazy! We have an amazing student body and I feel so honored to be represented with the people on it.

Zephyrus: If you could take a celebrity to sweethearts, who would it be? And why?

K.C.: Diego Luna, he was in Star Wars and he was on dirty dancing.

Zephyrus: What is your favorite ‘chick flick?

K.C.: How to Lose a Guy in 10 days.

Zephyrus: What is your go to dance move to impress your crush?

K.C.: Swing dance or just have my crush not see me dance!


Emmie Sells

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved with?

Emmie Sells: Varsity Hornettes, JV soccer, I lead a small group and a house group at my church, I’m in Spanish club, and I’m a boys basketball manager.

Zephyrus: What does it mean to be on Sweethearts Court?

E.S.: I’m excited to have a fun week and represent the school in a fun way and have a lot more school spirit. I feel like sometimes people get obsessed with being on court, but it’s not a huge deal.

Zephyrus: If you were ruler for a day and could pass any law, what would it be?

E.S.: I would unrestrict how many pets you can own. I think I’m over the limit now, but I want to have a million dogs.

Zephyrus: Is there anything else you want Edina High School to know about you?

E.S.: Be my friend! I can blow bubbles with my tongue!

Quinn Brinkman

Zephyrus: What activities/clubs are you involved in?

Quinn Brinkman:  softball, 212, study buddies, acapella club, choir

Zephyrus: What is the best part of being on court?

Q.B.: The whole week and getting to know everybody because I didn’t know anybody on it, and now I have so many more friends that I didn’t know at all.

Zephyrus: If you could take a celebrity to sweethearts, who would it be?

Q.B.: Shawn Mendes

Zephyrus: If you were given $100 dollars right now what would you do with it?

Q.B.: buy a shirt from Free People

Zephyrus: What is your favorite chick flick?

Q.B.: Crazy Stupid Love

Zephyrus: What is your biggest pet peeve?

Q.B.: “People who chew with their mouth open and in my ear. It makes me cringe.”

Max Harrell

Zephyrus: What activities/clubs are you involved in?

Max Harrell: Basketball, tutoring, youth group work for st patricks church, semi professional gamer. Prospective girls lacrosse manager.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

MH: I think it’s really cool thay my classmates thought that I could be somebody to represent them. I think it’s nice to know that people see me as somebody that fits the role.

Z: If you were given $100 dollars right now what would you do with it?

MH: Buy $99 worth of food and save the other dollar for college

Z: Best pickup line?

MH:Is your dad a hunter???

Z: If you have the aux on a party bus, what is the first song you would play?

MH: Mmmbop – Hanson

Z: Who is your sweetheart court crush?

MH: Joseph Reddy

Zach Zamoff

Zephyrus: What activities/clubs are you involved in?

Zach Zamoff: Youth for Social Justice, house basketball, soccer, and Student Council

Zephyrus: Who are your role models?

Z.Z.: God and my parents

Zephyrus: What’s the best thing about being on court?

Z.Z.: The homies for sure

Zephyrus: What’s your favorite place to get fast food?

Z.Z.: Taco Johns

Connor Kirsch

Zephyrus: What activities/extracurriculars/clubs/sports do you participate in?

Connor Kirsch: “I’m into alpine, FCA, church, and Model UN.”

Zephyrus: Do you believe in soulmates/love at first sight?

CK: “Definitely soulmates.”

Zephyrus: What is the biggest age difference you would have between you and your special someone?

CK: “I’d say five years”

Zephyrus: Would you get an s/o’s name tattooed on your body?

CK: “I’m not sure if I would in real life, but if I did It’d definitely be on my chest.”

Zephyrus: Who is your sweetheart crush?

CK: Grace Lauer

Zephyrus: If you were given $100 dollars right now what would you do with it?

Connor: “I would go have a nice dinner at Chipotle, you know with extra guac.”

Zephyrus: Can you sing any song completely from memory, and if so, what song? (if they claim they can, make them prove it)

CK: “For sure Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker.”

Tate Sweeney

Zephyrus: What clubs or activities are you involved in?

Tate Sweeney: I’m involved in cross country, nordic, and track, and I do site council before school every month.

Zephyrus: Who is your sweethearts crush?

T.S.: Tough question, probably Zach Zamoff

Zephyrus: If you could go to sweethearts with anyone in the world, who would it be?

T.S.: That’s another tough question, maybe Christian Bale.

Zephyrus: Do you believe in soulmates?

T.S.: Yes.

Zephyrus: What are some ideal traits you look for in a partner?

T.S.: Probably, very easy going and up for anything. Spontaneous for sure and, someone that makes me laugh.

Emily Klos

Zephyrus: What activities/clubs are you involved in?

Emily Klos: Youth for Social Justice, Young Libs, Ultimate Frisbee, church leader, orchestra

Zephyrus: Who is your role model?

K.: Betsy Nimmo. She is the most amazing teacher ever, she’s so inspirational and well-versed in everything going on politically right now. I’ve learned so much from her and I know so many other students have as well.

Zephyrus: Who is your sweetheart crush?

K.: I’d have to say Connor Kirsch. His brother and my sister dated two years ago, so we got those family ties.

Zephyrus: If you have the aux on a party bus, what is the first song you would play?

K.: Anything on Kanye West’s album ‘Waves’ or Beyonce.

Zephyrus: What’s your favorite go to dance move to impress your crush?K.: I’d dance like a dad at a barbeque.


Kyle Cross

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Kyle Cross: Band, volunteering with the Humane Society, and 212

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

K.C.: It’s an honor, I never really expected to be on it.

Zephyrus: Who’s your role model?

K.C.: My parents, they’ve really pushed me and motivated me to become the person that I am.

Zephyrus: If you were handed the aux on a party bus what is the first song you’d play?

K.C.: All Night Longer

Zephyrus: Who’s your court crush?

K.C.: Katie Clark

Rachel Wittmer

Zephyrus: What activities and sports are you involved in?

Rachel Wittmer: I’m a captain for swim and dive, I’m in symphony orchestra, chinese club, and I volunteer at Clownfish swim club.

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

R.W.: It’s really an honor to be voted by your class, I think that’s really cool. It’s a week of fun, I’m so grateful to have such an amazing senior class.

Zephyrus: Who is your sweethearts crush?

R.W.: Oh gosh, there’s a few cute guys, I think Josh or Joe.

Zephyrus: What is your go to dance move to impress your crush?

R.W.: I think pop, drop, and lock it.

Zephyrus: Best fast food place?

R.W.: I’m a Chipotle fan for sure.

Zephyrus: If you have the aux on a party bus, what is the first song you would play?

R.W.: The classic “Low” by Flo Rida.


Joe Lenarz-Hooyman

Zephyrus: What activities/extracurriculars/clubs/sports do you participate in?

Joe: “I’m on the ultimate team, 212 leadership, house basketball, TECH, and I’m really into Super Smash Bros Maylay which is a club here at the high school.”

Zephyrus: Do you believe in soulmates/love at first sight?

Joe Lenarz: “I do, I’d say. Both”

Zephyrus: As a kid, do you think you ever showed signs leading to your future on Sweethearts Court?

JL: “Nah. I’d say I was a pretty awkward kid in 8th and 9th grade. I became more comfortable with myself and who I am, so I’d say from a young age? No not at all.”

Zephyrus: What is the biggest age difference you would have between you and your special someone?

JL: “You know I’ve got sisters that are a lot older then me, I’ve got parents that are a lot older than me. So I’d go with around 8 years. So that’s pretty big I feel like.”

Zephyrus: Would you get an s/o’s name tattooed on your body?

JL: “If that was important to them I would, but I wouldn’t really make the initiative. I guess they’d choose where it goes in that case as well cause they’re the one that wants it in the first place.”

Zephyrus: Have you ever written someone a personal valentine?

JL: “Last year my dad was out of town for some business thing. I realized that my mom was going to be home alone on Valentine’s Day so I wrote her a valentine note.”

Zephyrus: If you were given $100 dollars right now what would you do with it?

JL: “A scooter.”

Zephyrus: Can you sing any song completely from memory, and if so, what song? (if they claim they can, make them prove it)

JL: “Nah. So I know a lot of verses. I’d know the first verse but space on the second verse. So yeah, no songs completely from memory. Wait actually, maybe ‘Just a Dream’ by Nelly. Yeah, I could do that one.”


Ellie Eidsvold

Zephyrus: What activities/clubs are you involved in?

Ellie Eidsvold: Competitive cheer, FCA, Flag Football, Guitar, Choir, TEC.

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
E.E.: It is a large honor to me and I’m glad that my classmates have a lot of respect for me.

Zephyrus: Who is your role model and why?

E.E.: My brother, because he is kind to absolutely everyone and i admire that a lot

Zephyrus: Can you sing any song completely from memory, and if so, what song? (if they claim they can, make them prove it)

E.E.: Good Morning Baltimore from Hairspray

Zephyrus: What’s your pet peeve?

E.E.: Bad q-tips

Emily Buenz

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Emily Buenz: Band, model UN, 212, rink attendant, boys soccer manager

Zephyrus: What is the best part of being on court?

E.B.: Getting to know people and hanging out with new people.

Zephyrus: Who is your celebrity twin?

E.B.: Liana liberato

Zephyrus: What is your biggest pet peeve?

E.B.: People chewing loudly and with their mouth open.

Zephyrus: Who is your sweethearts crush?

E.B.: Joe…

Zephyrus: Best pickup line?
E.B.: Hi, you’re hot!

Mike Toth

Zephyrus: What clubs, sports, and activities do you participate in?

Mike Toth: Student Council, Swim Captain, Trap Captain, Concert Band, Manager of Badminton, Miniature Pony Trainer

Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?

M.T.: Emmie Sells

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

M.T.: It’s an honor to be paired with such great people!

Zephyrus: If you could take a celebrity to sweethearts, who would it be? And why?

M.T.: Jennifer Lawrence because her interviews are always funny and she seems to have a good sense of humor.

Zephyrus: Best pickup line?

M.T.: Is that an Ford F-150 or a Chevy Silverado?

Zephyrus: What is your go to dance move to impress your crush?

M.T.: The Sprinkler!

Tovi Chao

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

Tovi Chao: Happy and scary. I’m nervous

Z: Who is your role model?

TC: Ty Dowda

Z: If you had $100 what would you spend it on?

TC: “why you gotta be so rude” CD

Z: What’s your ideal vacation?

TC: The toy store

Z: What’s your favorite TV show?

TC: Music videos on YouTube

Eemanna Rivers

Zephyrus: What clubs and activities are you involved in?

Eemanna Rivers: Black Student Union, Youth for Social Justice, I work at Trader Joe’s, I’m apart of the Walker Arts Center Teen Arts Council, and I have a media arts internship outside of school.

Zephyrus: Who is your biggest role model?

E: I have several, I look up to all of the women in my family, I look up to a lot of revolutionaries of the past and of today like Black Lives Matter leaders.

Zephyrus: Who is your Sweethearts crush?

E: Definitely my partner Zach Zamoff

Zephyrus: Do you like soft taco shells or hard taco shells?

E: It depends on if I’m having an American taco or a Mexican taco, if it’s American then hard, but Mexican taco shells are never hard so I’d obviously have a soft one.

Zephyrus: Someone hands you the aux cord on the party bus, what is the first song you play?  

E: No Hands by Waka Flocka.

Grace Lauer

Zephyrus: What activities/sports/clubs are you involved in at EHS?

G.L.: Hornettes, FCA, Hornet Connections, 212, Study Buddies, Sober Squad, Camp Warren Camp Counselor in the summer, and I am a manager for the Edina Dance Team and Girls Ultimate Team.

Zephyrus: What is your ideal date?

G.L.: Pizza and a movie or ice skating in the winter.

Zephyrus: Court crush?

G.L.: They’re all so great but Connor Kirsch. He’s one of my best friends.

Zephyrus: Who is your role model/who instead pires you?

G.L.: My mom, she does everything for me and I don’t know how I’ll survive college without her. She’s also a really strong woman and has been through a lot.

Zephyrus: What is your spirit animal?

G.L.: A sea otter

Joseph Ready

Zephyrus: What activities/clubs are you involved in?

Joseph Ready: I manage the basketball team, run football club, I am co-president of latin club, and I do track and field and sober squad.

Zephyrus: Do you believe in soulmates/love at first sight?

J.R.:  soulmates

Zephyrus: If you were given $100 dollars right now what would you do with it?

J.R.: “Invest it or save it.”

Zephyrus: Best fast food?

J.R.: Chick-Fil-A

Zephyrus: If you could take a celebrity to sweethearts, who would it be?

J.R.: Jared Allen

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