Every ten years due to the census, redistricting must occur to balance out every district in many aspects.
Meet Angela Berger, the Web editor for the GOP’s Senate District 41 site. When the redistricting plans were announced, her district was largely moved to District 49. She found a new mean of sabotage in politics.
Her master plan? She bought the domains for websites d49dfl.com, sd49dfl.org, sd49democrats.com, sd49democrats.org, and dflsd49.com. If those websites are accessed, they go directly to the “Go Daddy” search engine. The domains were registered on February 21, the same day that the redistricting plans were announced. One might assume that the purchasing of the domains was a reaction to the redistricting.
Sophomore Bin Chen said, “It sends the message that our leaders will do anything to win, and that kids should play dirty to win. It doesn’t really show integrity.”
Taking those domain names made it difficult for the DFL party to make websites for their new districts. Through purchasing the web addresses, Ms. Berger was able to mute the DFL party’s voice, since they no longer have an obvious way to contact the public.
Lynn Swon, Co-Chair of the Senate District 49 GOP declined to comment on the situation.
With the increasing number of methods that politicians can express their views, there are also increasing numbers of techniques to stop them from doing so. While some may argue that what Berger did was childish and unprofessional, others may say that what she did was okay. After all, what she did was legal.