Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Inga Kunze-Williams: I am captain of the Nordic Ski team. I’m on the Model UN Leadership team, co-president of Chinese Club, and on my third year of Concert Orchestra. I’m also on Whigrean as a writer.
Z.: What’s your guilty pleasure song?
I.K.W.: I don’t know if this is a guilty pleasure, but K-Pop. I really like “Butter” by BTS.
Z.: If you were the ruler of the world, who would be your top advisor?
I.K.W.: Michelle Obama.
Z.: If you could invent a holiday, what would it be and why?
I.K.W.: Maybe National Starbucks Day. Everyone gets free Starbucks.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
I.K.W.: It makes me feel really good and it lets me know that I’m doing stuff right, like being nice to people and just being myself.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Sam LaFrenz: I’m in Concert Choir, on the golf team, the Ping Pong Club, Garden in Manhattan Bible study, and I’m in Unified PE.
Z.: If court was made up of teachers, who do you think should be crowned and why?
S.L.: I’m going to go with Mr. Nielsen. He teaches Basketball Theory. I’d say that there’s always a lot to talk about with him. There’s a lot of common ground, and a lot of kids really like his class. He runs a good, good class.
Z.: Which spirit day do you feel best represents you? Why?
S.L.: I’m going to say Jersey Day. I would probably wear my Zach LaVine Timberwolves jersey.
Z.: Court crush?
S.L.: Camille Dubuc.
Z: What does being on court mean to you?
SL: Being on court means a lot, because it shows that some people voted for me and they think that I’ll be a good person to dance in front of the whole school.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Camille Dubuc: Outside of school, I’m the captain of the Varsity Hockey team, and I do track and field in the spring. Inside of school, I participate in Unified PE and Concert Choir.
Z.: What emoji best describes you?
C.D.: Probably the smiley-face because I feel like I smile a lot.
Z.: If you could be any movie character, which one would you be?
C.D.: I would want to be Ruby Roundhouse from “Jumanji” because it would be fun to be in the “Jumanji” world.
Z.: If you could tell your five-year-old self anything, what would you say?
C.D.: Probably to just have no regrets and live in the moment, because [life] goes by really fast, and you don’t want to waste any opportunities that you may have.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
C.D.: It means a lot to be able to participate in such a cool and special experience with some of my closest friends.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Emmett Nahlovsky: I do JGA hockey, I sing in choir, and that’s about it.
Z.: What was your dream job as a kid?
E.N.: I probably wanted to be a pet sitter, hanging out with dogs all day.
Z.: Which EHS parking lot do you park in and why?
E.N.: Main lot, for sure. I hate the walk.
Z.: War breaks out amongst the Edina elementary schools. Which school will come out on top?
E.N.: Normandale.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
E.N.: Everything.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Liam Holmberg: I am involved in football, track, and I am a Girls’ Varsity Hockey superfan.
Z.: What is your walk-up song?
L.H.: I gotta go with “Eye of the Tiger.”
Z.: Who’s your court crush?
L.H.: Reese McConnell.
Z.: If you could be any superhero who would it be?
L.H.: I would be Batman because he’s ice cold.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
L.H.: It’s a great honor to be nominated by my teachers and classmates.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Sean Sullivan: I did Student Council. I play hockey. I’m in Concert Choir, and I’m a member of the Garden in Manhattan.
Z.: If you could domesticate one wild animal, what would you domesticate?
S.S.: Probably a lion or something.
Z.: What is your favorite animated children’s movie?
S.S.: Probably “Kung Fu Panda.”
Z.: What is your go-to sauce?
S.S.: Gotta be ranch.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
S.S.: It’s really cool. I’m glad that people voted for me, and I’m really excited to do the dance with everyone.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Kate Meixelsperg: I’m on the Alpine team, Concert Choir, I help in Acapella Club, and I am in Garden in Manhattan.
Z.: If you were a Disney princess, who would you be?
K.M.: I’ll say Belle.
Z.: If you could bring back any trend, what would it be?
K.M.: Probably low-rise pants.
Z.: If you could combine any two animals to make the ultimate pet, what would you chose?
K.M.: A monkey and a dog.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
K.M.: Being on court is such an exciting thing to experience with my friends and it gives us the ability to celebrate our time as Hornets in such a unique way. I’m so grateful and excited for this week.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Eduardo Usandivaras: [I do] volunteering, soccer, hockey, track, and Model UN.
Z: What’s the best thing you’ve kicked off your bucket list?
E.U: Scuba diving.
Z: What was your first job?
E.U: Being a soccer referee.
Z: What is your favorite song?
E.U: “Viva La Vida” by Coldplay.
Z: What does being on court mean to you?
E.U: I am honored to be nominated on court because it means that I am respected by my friends and my peers. I’m really eager for this opportunity and I’m excited to dance in front of the school.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Natalie Mosakowski: I do theater, I’m on the Hip-Hop Dance team, I do karate outside of school, I lead the Creative Writing Club and the Computational Linguistics Club.
Z.: What’s your biggest buying regret?
N.M.: Probably fuzzy socks off of Amazon. They started peeling right away, and it left a mess. It’s so tragic, and they were so cute too.
Z.: What teacher would you pick to survive a zombie apocalypse with?
N.M.: Ms. Stone. She’s a genius. And not only would I think she would have the best luck surviving, but she’d be able to annihilate the zombies. I feel like it’d be super practical to have her around, and it’d be fun. She’d have so many good stories.
Z.: Favorite New York Times mini-game?
N.M.: Not Connections. I’m gonna have to say the Mini Crossword, just because I’m very competitive with it. I have some pretty good times, not to brag.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
N.M.: I think it just means that in some way, I’ve made a difference in my friends’ lives and that’s just what’s important. So it just means I’m doing just a little, small, something right.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Easton Engelsma: I’m on the Golf team, I’m in the Ping Pong Club, I used to be on Student Council, and I used to play soccer.
Z.: What’s one totally unnecessary thing you’d bring on a desert island?
E.E.: I’d probably bring a basketball jersey. [I’m a] big Timberwolves fan.
Z.: What movie or TV show has the best soundtrack in your opinion?
E.E.: I would say the “Moana” soundtrack, that one’s awesome.
Z.: If you’re given $100,000 to spend in 24 hours, what store are you going to?
E.E.: Probably Lululemon.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
E.E.: It’s an honor. It’s super fun to be with my friends, and it means a lot that my peers voted for me.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Caleb Samuel: Football, track and field, and Teens for a Greener Tomorrow.
Z.: If you had to choose a different historical era to live in, what would it be?
C.S.: Probably the 1920s. Seems pretty prosperous.
Z.: What’s your worst nightmare?
C.S.: Spiders. They have a bunch of creepy legs and move in creepy directions.
Z.: What teacher would you choose to be stranded on a desert island?
C.S.: Mr. Burfeind, because he knows about all of the plants, and he could help us survive.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
C.S.: It’s fun to be with my peers on the court.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Almaz Braasch: I’m involved in Black Student Union, Latin Club, Cross Country, and I’m a Girls’ Basketball Manager.
Z.: What is your biggest hot take?
A.B.: Taylor Swift is mid.
Z.: What is the dumbest way you’ve ever been hurt?
A.B.: I dislocated my pinky toe on my UGG slipper once.
Z.: What’s a conspiracy theory that you wholeheartedly believe?
A.B.: I believe that Atlantis is real.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
A.B.: It’s really cool that the student body picked me for this. It’s fun to be a “fun” face at Edina, so it means a lot.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Whitney Horton: I’m a Girls’ Varsity Hockey captain. I do track and field, Zephyrus, and Hornet Mentor.
Z.: What’s your spirit animal?
W.H.: I really love dolphins—I think they’re really sweet animals.
Z.: If you could be in any book, movie, or TV show what would you be in?
W.H.: I would be [in] the office because it’s my comfort show.
Z.: Are you more of a Glinda or Elphaba?
W.H.: Definitely Glinda, because I have blond hair.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
W.H.: It’s definitely super exciting; everyone on court is super fun, and I’m really excited to have a fun week!

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Reese McConnell: I’m in Girls’ Hockey, Track and Field, and I used to play soccer.
Z.: What’s your favorite thing about Valentine’s Day?
R.M.: My favorite thing about Valentine’s Day would be the chocolate—anything chocolate, chocolate covered strawberries. I just like how supportive people are on Valentine’s Day.
Z.: What’s your favorite compliment to give or receive?
R.M.: I like to tell people that they look good that day or that they are very nice, and just give any sort of compliment. I like to receive, “I’m proud of you.”
Z.: What’s your favourite school event?
R.M.: Well, my favorite would be hockey because I’m on the Hockey team, and Track and Field because I also do that. I also like to watch Edina Girls’ Basketball because my best friend is on it.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
R.M.: I’m proud of myself and being on court, and I think it just shows how positive [I am and] that all my peers like me and support me. I think it means a lot to be here with everybody.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Olivia Smith: Through the high school I’m an Edina Girls’ Basketball Manager, I do Track and Field, I’m part of Black Student Union, and Ed Fund. Outside of school, I do Young Life.
Z.: What’s your phone lock screen?
O.S.: It’s a picture of me and my friend Taylor in Mexico.
Z.: What food/drink should they add to the vending machines?
O.S.: I think that they should add Alani, because CELSIUS is gross and BUBBL’RS ain’t cutting it. [For the flavor] I would say Pink Slush because that’s my favorite, but apparently that’s a hot take so I don’t know.
Z.: What celebrity would you host a podcast with and what would you call it?
O.S.: I would host a podcast with Duke Dennis and I would call it “Bro” because of Jaden Smith.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
O.S.: Being on court means to me that I have a lot of connections in the school and I’m really grateful for everyone I know that got me here.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Katie Lippert: I’ve played tennis at the high school for the past four years. I was also in the orchestra.
Z.: What color would you be and why?
K.L.: I’d be pink, because I feel like that color is just very joyful and exciting. Anything pink is very eye-catching and fun.
Z.: What’s your biggest pet peeve?
K.L.: When people chew really loudly or are eating really loudly and slurping.
Z.: What car has the worst drivers?
K.L.: Tesla.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
K.L.: It’s really exciting and kind of nerve wracking at the same time. But so far, it’s already been a great experience, and I’m very honored to be here.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Zoey Williams: I’m a captain for Edina Girls’ Varsity Gymnastics, I run hurdles in Track and Field, and I play viola for Edina Varsity Orchestra. I am also a member of the Students Demand Action club, a youth gymnastics coach, and I sing in my church’s choir.
Z.: If you were given a free all-inclusive trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Z.W.: I would go to New Zealand because it has a super friendly culture and natural beauty.
Z.: What movie do you think everyone should watch while in high school?
Z.W.: I think everyone should watch “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” while in high school, because it’s a good reminder to live life to the fullest and enjoy a carefree day.
Z.: What would your walk-up song be?
Z.W.: “Umbrella” by Rihanna.
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
Z.W.: Being on court means so much to me because I get to represent my school community. I am so excited to get everyone hype for Sweethearts Spirit Week and the dance on Saturday while participating in coronation.

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Lily Santoni: Tennis, lacrosse, and I did Student Council.
Z.: What is your go-to coffee order?
L.S.: Probably a nice vanilla latte with oat milk.
Z.: What is your favorite room in your house?
L.S.: My basement. [I] watch a lot of good movies there.
Z.: Favorite childhood book?
L.S.: “Harry Potter.”
Z.: What does being on court mean to you?
L.S.: I think it’s just like a good way to represent the school and show school spirit. It’s really fun, too, [to] be with a group of people that are all super nice and excited to be seniors at Edina.

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