I love a good political scandal. There’s just something about seeing a public figure preaching values on CNN one week and going to court the next. It’s just awesome, it’s one more for the little guy, its shadenfreude in its purest form, I mean, I may not be a lawmaker, but at least I’m not a hypocrite.
Political scandals have gone a long way since the days of Woodworth and Bernstein. In the old days if you revealed secrets concerning your governing officials, you were branded a communist and sent to the “freedom pits” but now, with the free and easy exchange of information, political scandals are much more prevalent. The two biggest scandals in the last year are the Weiner and Cain scandals and, because Karma is bi-partisan, they happen to represent opposite sides of the political spectrum.
In May 2011 Anthony Weiner used his Twitter account to send pictures of his “whatnots” to a young woman in Washington. If you think this journalist is immature enough to poke jokes about the irony of this situation, then you are absolutely right. Everything about this was priceless, Weiner sent pictures of his “weiner” over his public Twitter account, I mean, come on man think, the universe even tried to tell you that was a stupid idea.
And then there is Herman Cain. Since October 30 four women have come out and accused Cain of sexual harassment, and one has said that she and Cain have had an affair for fifteen years. Before this, Cain was in the front runner of the Republican presidential campaign, and now he has dropped out of the race completely.
Political scandals are the quasi-intellectual’s “Entertainment Tonight” he can gossip and judge but, at the same time, he feels intelligent because he is making observations on people and issues that matter. The only difference between Larry Craig and Paris Hilton is one is a senator and the other is…a…hotel heiress? When you get down to it, Bill and Hillary are no different than Brad and Angelina and because of this, political scandals will be around for a long time.