Edina Volunteers Begin Planning Annual Senior Party
A photo of the senior party in 2011, EdinaOpoly.
May 8, 2018
Recently, Edina High School underclassmen finished registering for next year’s classes. Seniors, however, have to consider registration for something in the slightly nearer future: the senior party.
If you ask parent Julie Munderloh, the Volunteer Lead for this year’s party, it’s going to be a night to remember. “There will be a DJ, and there will be a magician and a hypnotist. Lots of fun things going on. Good food, lots of different food items throughout the night,” Munderloh said.
Co-planner Sheila Berube, the Communications Lead, agrees. “This is an all-night party. A good portion of the school will be decorated. In the individual classrooms will be themed rooms, some will be passive entertainment and others will be active entertainment,” Berube said.
One of those rooms is devoted to a community service project. Munderloh explains that every year it’s one of the most popular rooms. “Last year they made tie blankets. The year before they made shoes out of blue jeans. This year, I don’t think it’s been decided. We’ll say it’s one of the surprises of the night.” To Munderloh, this is really one of the highlights of the party. “People really come together to do that, to make sure that we’re paying back,” she said.
The senior party serves a purpose beyond being a fun night to Munderloh. “The main reason that we’re planning the party is to make sure that kids are safe on that night, that they’re not out driving around, going to parties, and not being safe. It’s a way to get everybody together to celebrate, keep our kids safe, and have a wonderful celebration.”
The ultimate goal of this year’s senior party is to ensure that everyone attends. “In the past it’s been over 90 percent, 95 percent of the students attend. Anyone who thinks they can’t attend because of financial need, shouldn’t be a problem,” Berube said. Munderloh adds that financial aid is “pretty much no questions asked, just fill out a form.”
To register, Berube says that parents can use a SportsEngine account, which some may have from having previously registered for athletics or for one of the dances. Otherwise, students can visit edinaseniorparty.org and register as a guest, no account required.