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Congrats to the 2023 Homecoming Court!

Oskar Sternberg
Oskar Sternberg

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Oskar Sternberg: I’m involved in varsity football, the jazz II band, marching band, Latin Club, and Lego Club. I’m a section leader in my choir at church where I also volunteer as a youth counselor and I also play hockey at the Junior Gold level. I’m also involved in Boy Scouts and I work as a swim teacher and lifeguard at a swim school in Minnetonka called Goldfish swim school.

Z: Celebrity idol?

OS: Batman. I really appreciate his work ethic.

Z: Barbie or Oppenheimer?

OS: Barbie was such a good movie. I cried at the end. Oppenheimer’s good but Barbie is just a phenomenal movie.

Z: Favorite underground rapper?

OS: Me, Lil Berger. Add me on Spotify!

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

OS: I think the coolest thing about court is that you have your whole grade of around 700 kids saying that you’re one of 20 people who they wish to represent them. I think that’s awesome and it’s very humbling and special to know my peers think that highly of me.

Elliot Cooper
Elliot Cooper

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Elliott Cooper: Concert Choir, Baseball

Z: What is one item on your bucket list?

EC: I would love to go skydiving

Z: What is your favorite song right now?

EC: Hours in SIlence by Drake

Z: What is your guilty pleasure?

EC: Listening to music in the shower

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

EC: It makes me very proud that my classmates voted me to serve on court so it makes me really happy.

Molly McGrane
Molly McGrane

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in? 

Molly McGrane: I’m on the student council. I’m a captain of the Varsity Hornettes and United Dance team, and I also do Whigrean.  

Z: If you could live anywhere, where would it be? 

MM: I would probably live in London because they also speak English there so it’d be easy to talk to people and get to know people. It would also just be a really fun experience. 

Z: What’s something you think is overrated and why? 

MM: I think waking up early is overrated because even though you get more done when you wake up early, I’m always just tired and crabby. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

MM:  I think it’s a fun way to show my Edina spirit and love for the school and just a really fun tradition to be apart of. 

Isabela Engle
Isabela Engle

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Isabela Engle: I’m a four-year varsity soccer player and I’m a two-year captain for that, I’m a three-year varsity track athlete, I’m part of the French program [with] Normandale. I [also] do young life and I’m a wildlife leader.

Z: What are 3 things you can’t leave the house without?

IE: My phone for sure. Now that I can drive probably my car keys and my license and stuff that comes with that, and I need a water bottle and chapstick, always. 

Z: What would you title your autobiography?

IE: I feel like I’d do something like Zack Bryan where I’d self-title it. I feel like I wouldn’t be able to come up with anything that would cover my whole life so my name would be the title. 

Z: What is your favorite holiday and why?

IE: My favorite holiday is Christmas. I’m a Christian so it’s really important to me like the birth of Jesus Christ, but it’s also just a really fun time to be with your family, friends, and to spread, it’s cringy but, holiday cheer. It’s just really fun. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

IE: It’s an honor to be on court with a bunch of really awesome people and I’m really excited. It’ll be fun to hang out with them, [and to] get to do things together. But it’s just being able to represent something bigger than yourself and be a representation of what it means to be a student at Edina High School. 

Palmer Monsen
Palmer Monsen

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Palmer Monsen: Mostly just band and the other music programs here at Edina. 

Z: What is your favorite breakfast food?

PM: I like a good fried egg. 

Z: If you had to give up one of your five senses, which sense would it be?

PM: Maybe smell. It’s not that useful. You use everything else.

Z: Does pineapple belong on pizza?

PM: Absolutely. It’s delicious and has a great contrast. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

PM: I have no clue.

Ethan Cooper
Ethan Cooper

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Ethan Cooper: I play golf, hockey, and I like to wake surf. I’m in the Pickleball Club, the Letters of Love Club, and a few others I can’t think of.

Z: What’s your go-to karaoke song?

EC: Probably “When I Was Your Man” by Bruno Mars.

Z: What’s your least favorite haircut and why?

EC: A good ol’ fashioned Mohawk. They’re not classy.

Z: Give me a hot take.

EC: The Cowboys are winning the Super Bowl this year.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

EC: It’s a fun thing; I get to be with a lot of my friends. And I’m going to be able to look back on this and remember that it was a good experience.

Ashley Thurk
Ashley Thurk

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Ashley Thurk: I’m a varsity soccer captain, varsity track and field, peer tutor, and I’m a part of the pickleball club. 

Z: What is your guilty pleasure song? 

AT: I’m not really embarrassed by it but “I like it” by Cardi B. 

Z: What social media app do you relate to the most? 

AT: Instagram. Instagram reels. 

Z: If you were the ruler of the world, who would your top advisor be? 

AT: Taylor Swift. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

AT: It’s a really fun opportunity to be able to represent your school; it’s fun to meet new people and dance with them. 

Sarah Hu
Sarah Hu

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Sarah Hu: I do Girls United Club, and a student commissioner. Outside of school, I am a trainer at Highlands Hill.

Z: What decade do you belong in?

SH: I don’t really think too much into these things. Whatever I’m given this decade, I’ll make do with it.

Z: Do you have a walk-up song?

SH: I feel like it’s not a song. It’s just white noise in my brain. Straight white noise.

Z: What is something that people would be really surprised to learn about you?

SH: I nap in class.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

FL: When I was a Sophomore, I saw Myra Han, and I was like, wow, that could be me. So, I could be that person for other kids out there.

Benjamin Sanderson
Benjamin Sanderson

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Ben Sanderson:  I’m a captain of the golf team. I’m on a peer tutor, president of science club. I’m in jazz band, marching band and pull down the fort in the trumpet three section.

Z: What is a motto that you live by?

BS: Hold yourself to your highest standard.

Z: Favorite fast food restaurant?

BS: I’d have to go with Chipotle. 

Z: What would be your dream golf course to play?

BS: Augusta National of course. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

BS: It means a lot. It’s it’s an honor to be chosen by a lot of my classmates and also it’s an honor to be up here with Carson Dederichs.

Carson Dederichs
Carson Dederichs

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Carson Dederichs: I’m in concert choir, varsity soccer, pickleball club, and DECA. 

Z: If you had a Guiness World Record, what would it be for?

CD: Most time spent trying to be like Ben Sanderson. 

Z: If it was your funeral, what song would you come back alive to turn off if it started playing?

CD: “Munch (Feelin’ U)” by Ice Spice.

Z: What’s your go-to excuse for a missing assignment? 

CD: I was hanging out with Ben Sanderson. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

CD: I’m excited. It’s very fun to be with the guys. Like I said, Ben Sanderson is my idol so the fact that I’m on court with him is very exciting. 

Andrew Gump
Andrew Gump

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Andrew Gump: I am one of the Nordin Skiing Captains, I do Cross Country Running, Ultimate Frisbee, Interact Club, and am on the Ted X Youth Edina committee.

Z: Number one thing on your bucket list?

AG: To go and see my girlfriend in Bolivia

Z: What was your worst phase?

AG: In elementary school I used to pick boogers out of my nose and chase people around the playground with them.

Z: What is one unpopular opinion you have?

AG: People should be able to eat every condiment on its own.

Z: What does being on homecoming court mean to you?

AG: It means a lot, it’s definitely the highlight of my high school career.

Sarah Bagley
Sarah Bagley

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Sarah Bagley: I’m vice president of Studco, co-founder and co-president of the recycling club, and I’m a peer tutor. 

Z: What is one thing on your bucket list?

SB: Skydiving or talking in front of a large group of people–just like facing my fears. 

Z: If you had to become an inanimate object, which would it be?

SB: Maybe like a watermelon, I love watermelon. It’s so delicious. 

Z: What’s your motto?

SB: Probably just YOLO. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

SB: I think it’s cool that people voted for me and I think it’s cool to represent the class of 2024 in another way. 

Conrad Killen
Conrad Killen

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Conrad Killen: I do hockey, and play soccer

Z: If you could turn back time and revive one old band, who would it be?

CK: I don’t really listen to music, but I guess The Beatles.

Z: What’s your greatest fear?

FL: Probably everyone dying. That would be really scary. 

Z: If you could be an insect for one day, what would you be?

FL: I’d be an ant because it’d be cool to see a gigantic ant hill.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

FL: It’s pretty cool and exciting.

Manal Mohamed
Manal Mohamed

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Manal Mohamed: [I’m in] Somali Student Union, Muslim Student Association. [Also,] I am now in the K-pop club.

Z: What’s your favorite 2000s throwback song?

MM: Any Beyonce song to honest. [Anything] from that “Dangerously in Love” album is perfection.

Z: What movie character resembles you the most?

MM: I love Jennifer from “Jennifer’s Body.” She’s so real. And Regina George from Mean Girls. Whatever she does, I will apologize for her.

Z: What’s something interesting about you that can’t be seen on the surface?

MM: A fun fact about me is that I love traveling, and I’ve been to over 8+ countries.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

MM: I’m so happy to represent as the first hijabi to be on Court, and it means a lot that people nominated me.

Lauren Chang
Lauren Chang

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Lauren Chang: I’m in Zephyrus, band, Model UN, I row, I volunteer at Fairview Southdale and I’m in the AAPI student union.

Z: What’s a song that you can’t stand?

LC: “Dance Monkey.” Because the high-pitched voices, the instrumentals…it scratches an itch in my brain, but in the wrong way.

Z: What’s your favorite trend that came back?

LC: You know what? I’m writing an article on this right now. The digital camera thing, I think that’s so cute.

Z: What’s a movie everyone should see at least once?

LC: I would say like every Marvel movie at least once. But if you just want a movie, then “Inception.”

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

LC: It was kind of unexpected so I’m glad that people thought of me to represent the school and I think it’ll be fun.

Raja Chinnakotla
Raja Chinnakotla

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Raja Chinnakotla: Band, Speech, Model UN, A something Student Union, Debate, K-Pop Club, [and] World Quest.

Z: What are three embarrassing things about you?

RC: I almost got hit by a car listening to a K-Pop song…I have not seen the Barbie movie still [and] I used to not eat cheese, it was really bad…now I do eat cheese.

Z: What’s the nicest thing you’ve ever seen someone do?

RC: I was in the line at a Panera and I was like, crying, over this Raspberry Danish, and there was one left. And one person bought it for me out of the blue. I thank that man every day.

Z: Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

RC: My house is haunted by ghosts. It’s just a lot of bad luck, doors will randomly shut, the electricity goes off sometimes, so, yeah.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

RC: It’s nice, it means a lot to me because there’s representation across Edina. My experience is like, it’s more common than you think and people like me can be seen on court.’

Roman Hinnenkamp
Roman Hinnenkamp

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Roman Hinnenkamp: I play football, hockey and I am on a lot of leadership stuff.

Z: How often do you think about the Roman Empire a month?

RH: Maybe once or twice.

Z: If you could have one weak super power what would it be?

RH: Be like Spiderman, go through places, and just climb everywhere.

Z: What has been your favorite memory of senior year?

RH: Being with my friends because we’re not going to be here next year.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

RH: It means a lot, I feel honored, I’m ready to be important.

Sophia Braun
Sophia Braun

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Sophia Braun: I’m involved in cross country, track, and Nordic skiing. And then I’m also going to do ultimate (frisbee) this spring.

Z: If you could fill the ocean with any liquid other than water what would it be?

SB: I think I would fill it with apple juice because I love apple juice, personally.

Z: What’s your worst pickup line?

SB: Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only 10 I see.

Z: What’s your favorite unpopular opinion?

SB: I don’t like TikTok. I don’t have TikTok… I prefer Instagram reels personally. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

SB: It’s a super big honor for me. I did not expect it at all. I was really excited and surprised, so it’s going to be a really awesome experience. 

Bjorn Snyder
Bjorn Snyder

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Bjorn Snyder: I play ultimate frisbee. We’ve won state the last three years. Im also in concert orchestra. I play the upright bass. 

Z: What is your least favorite food? 

BS: I really don’t like fish. Sushi is okay, but not fish. 

Z: What is something people might not know about you? 

BS: Two things, I’m a frenchie and I can juggle. 



Z: What does being on court mean to you?

BS: It was so cool being a kid and watching the parade. Now I get to be in it, and I hope to inspire other young kids to do the same thing.

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