
Zoe Cheung

Landon Tselepis

Zephyrus: What extracurriculars are you involved in?

Landon Telespis: JGA hockey, lacrosse, 212, Hornet Radio, and some other leadership clubs.


Z: Who’s your court crush?

L.T.: Emily Kompelien. We have a thing.


Z: I see you’re wearing a Cubs hat, are you a fan?

L.T.: Yes. I started rooting for them in 2016 #FlyTheW.


Z: Who do you want to win the Super Bowl?

L.T.: TB12 is the GOAT.


Z: You weren’t elected to homecoming court. How does it feel to be the school’s second choice?

L.T.: It’s an honor to be chosen by my class.


Z: What does being on court mean to you?

L.T.: It’s an honor to be chosen by my class.

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