Sophie Anderson
September 14, 2016
Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Sophie Anderson: High school swimming, DECA, FCA, student council, and sober squad.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
S.A.: It’s a huge honor, and it’s a great way to end my high school career after being here for so long!
Zephyrus: What are you looking forward to for your senior year?
S.A.: Definitely taking fun classes and having more free time for activities!
Zephyrus: Who is your biggest role model?
S.A.: My sister because she is always super positive and loves everybody. Shes taught me so much!
Zephyrus: Most fun thing about being on court?
S.A.: Getting to know all the people and spending time with them!