Congratulations to the 2020 Sweethearts Court!

January 30, 2020

Kat Warpinski

Zephyrus: What activities you are involved in?

Kat Warpinski: I’m on the Varsity Volleyball team.

Z: Starbucks or caribou?

KW: Starbucks for sure.

Z: What is your favorite high school memory?

KW: We went to state for volleyball my junior year and we got to stay in a hotel and it was really fun!

Z: What is the place you want to travel to most?

KW: Probably Greece

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

KW: It’s really nice that people would think of me for this and want to watch me dance. I think it’s kind of unnecessary for me to do this, but if people want to watch me embarrass myself, then I’m happy to do it!

Olivia Versluis

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Olivia Versluis: Concert and Marching Band, Drum Major for Marching Band, Cross Country, and Model UN.

Z: If you were arrested what do you think you would be arrested for? 

OV: Stealing Mimi Beringer’s Tuba

Z: What are your 2020 goals? 

OV: To get to know more people before I leave for college. 

Z: If you were doing your streaks on snap chat and you used your time what pose would you do?

OV: Highschool musical jump

Z: What does being on sweethearts court mean to you?

OV: I enjoy meeting all the new people that I wouldn’t talk to otherwise!

Izzy Stokes

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Izzy Stokes: My biggest activity is being the writing staff editor for yearbook. Other than that, I also play violin in concert orchestra, and then outside of school, I’m a barista at Caribou.

Z: What is currently your favorite trend?

IS: Probably bangs because I have them, and I’ve had them for a while. They’re starting to get popular, so I like seeing when other people get them and how it looks on them.

Z: What has been your favorite memory from high school?

IS: Anytime that I get to get together with all of my closest friends because we’ve all been friends for a really long time. Specifically, this past year we went to the State Fair, and it was really fun. For senior year, the court sleepover was really good because I feel like the whole senior camaraderie is really big right now.

Z: If you could trade places with one person on court for one day, who would it be and why?

IS: I would trade places with Shin Bee—she is one of my friends—and because she is a really good dancer, so it would be cool to be able to dance.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

IS: I guess it’s just really sweet to think there are people who know me well enough to think of me it comes to that. I know it doesn’t mean everything, but it’s a really cool chance to feel recognized for being kind to other people.

Gretchen Lobben

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Gretchen Lobben: Edina Equestrian, retired Track & XC runner, 212, and Fencing Club.

Z: What’s your secret talent?

GL: I can coil a hose like no other. If you could see me coil a hose, like a garden hose, I can coil ‘em so fast and very efficiently.

Z: Who is your court crush?

GL: My dance partner, Paul Krenik. He’s a homie. I do be vibin’ with Ryne Reger though.

Z: What’s your go-to EHS cafeteria food?

GL: I’m usually a home lunch kind of girl but those Mini-Cinni’s are kinda hot.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

GL: I’ve always thought that court was really cool and I never thought that I could actually make it so I was really excited to actually make it. I’m hype, it’s been a really fun week.

Serena Peterson

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

SP: I played hockey for three years on the JV team, I played lacrosse a couple years also. Outside of school, I work at Lifetime in the Kid’s Academy and volunteer for an organization called Dream at Braemar, which teaches kids with special needs how to skate. I’m also a Minnesota Special Hockey coach, which is run by the Wild, so I do that every Sunday. 

Z: Does pineapple belong on pizza? 

SP: No. I am a firm believer in that. Pineapple does not belong on pizza. 

Z: Go-to snack?

SP: Goldfish — my favorite food. 

Z: Who’s your court crush?

SP: Oh, it’s so hard. I will 100% say Ryne Reger is my court crush. 

Z: If you could paint your room any color, what would it be?

SP: That’s a hard decision, I would say blue. My room’s blue right now and I really like how it looks.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

SP: I was not expecting it at all, it really came as a surprise. I’m proud and feel like it’s a pat-on-the-back. It’s very nice to get to know all the other people in court because they’re all such amazing humans. Our paths have never really crossed, but of course, 2nd-semester senior year they had to. So that’s kind of sad, but I love everyone — everyone’s great.

Kate Hellickson

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Kate Hellickson: I am involved in Hip Hop Dance Team and band. 

Z: What is your favorite Tik Tok dance?

KH: Renegade. It’s a classic and I feel like it’s a vibe. 

Z: Who is your court crush?

KH: Definitely Carter Curti!

Z: Which Disney character are you most similar to and why?

KH: Probably Anna from Frozen because she makes a lot of mistakes. I want to be with Kristoff, that’s also why. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

KH: It’s just indescribable and unbelievable. I didn’t think it was going to happen.

Peilan Zhang

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Peilan Zhang: Hornettes, tutoring, band, and some other things here and there.

Z: What is your favorite trend?

PZ: Nothing new, but the big baggy trend with big t-shirts and sweatshirts.

Z: What is your favorite vine or meme?

PZ: Probably just like the SpongeBob text meme. I have a very weird thing with that and I find a lot of entertainment when I text with some caps and some lowercase.

Z: If you could change one thing about high school, what would it be?

PZ: The aspect of just finding friends and meeting people and making it more open and fun for everyone.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

PZ: It’s a good feeling, and I appreciate everyone who voted me on. It’s really fun and I’m glad this is part of my high school experience.

Jack Thurk

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Jack Thurk: I’m involved in soccer and tennis, both on varsity, other than that I participated in Model UN, I’m part of St. Pat’s church youth group, and other than that I’ll do some smaller things on the side, like I’m doing a lot of fundraisers right now for tennis, and then I’ll help out with other groups as they come along  

Z: What’s your go-to wake up drink?

JT: I’m not a big coffee or tea guy, but probably my go to drink is probably just milk honestly. I love milk, and as a kid I always used cereal and just milk for breakfast. Milk always seemed to just kick off the day I guess. 

Z: Who is your sweethearts court crush?

JT: Probably Ollie Parmekar

Z: What’s your favorite dance move?

JT: Ooh, I am not a good dancer. And it’ll show at the coronation, but my favorite dance move is probably the floss, because it’s easy. It’s one of those dance moves that if you don’t have it, it looks hard, but once you get it it’s like “Oh, this is easy and it looks semi-cool”. It’s my favorite one in the way that I can do it and it looks semi-descent. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

JT:  It’s huge for me because of all my friends who support me, and who voted for me to be on court, it’s not just about me being on court, it’s about all my friends who believed in me, it’s nice to see that our friendship is strong enough, like I voted for my friends and they voted for me, it’s heartwarming in a way.

Kelly Wu

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Kelly Wu: I was a wrestling manager last year, but I’m still in touch with the coach and stuff. And I’m also the boys swim and dive manager. So I go to all their practices, and I’m basically part of the team. I was also a Superfan for soccer before, and in school, I’m a SMATH tutor. I work at Caribou, so that’s really time-consuming, and I’m also a St Pat’s member.

Z: If you could genetically engineer two animals together, what two animals would you choose to cross?

KW: A giraffe and a mouse, just to see what it would look like. I don’t know if that would be a mouse’s head on a giraffe’s body, or like a giraffe’s head on a mouse’s body, but it would be interesting.

Z: If you could pick another extracurricular activity to join without it affecting your schoolwork or free time, what would you pick and why? 

KW: I wish I was involved in a sport, more than just going to the practices. I really wish I had a sport of my own, maybe like cheerleading.

Z: If you could pick a theme for one day of Spirit Week, what would you choose and why?

KW: I think I would do a disco day, just with everyone coming with their disco outfits, or maybe decades theme. It would be really easy to do, but also interesting to see all the different decades.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

KW: I find it really flattering. I find it really exciting that I’m able to do all these things, like the interview, and that people thought of me while they were voting. And I think it’s a really cool experience.

Shin Bee Waldron

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Shin Bee Waldron: I do Model UN, Concert Orchestra, and I’m on the hip-hop team.

Z: What is your spirit animal?

SW: A cow. Cows are my spirit animal so I have cow [patterned] everything.

Z: What is your favorite season and why?

SW: Autumn because I love the colors of the trees and I like the weather because it’s not too cold or too hot.

Z: What is your go-to boba tea order?

SW: I love lychee peach tea with tapioca pearls in it. 

Z: What does being on Sweetheart’s Court mean to you?

SW: I think people appreciate my involvement in things. I don’t take it too seriously, I just want to have fun with it.

Jessie Hunt

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Jessie Hunt: Mostly just girl’s soccer, and then fencing club and 212.

Z: What is your favorite high school memory?

JH: When we won our section for soccer and we got to go to state.

Z: Which teacher are you the most alike and why?

JH: Ms. Ramirez because we both like science and math.

Z: What’s something you wish you knew as a freshman?

JH: It’s going to be over really fast so just try to make friends with everyone.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

JH: I think it’s just a fun opportunity to meet different people that you don’t usually talk to.

Lucas Flemming

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Lucas Flemming: Model United Nations Leadership Team, section leader for band, a brass choir that meets on Sundays, dreams skate volunteer program, baseball, house basketball

Z: What if your favorite food?

LF: Watermelon

Z: Who is your court crush?

LF: Ryne Reger

Z: If you could pick any superpower, what superpower would you choose?

LF: Super-human strength

Z: What does being on sweethearts court mean to you? 

LF: I’m only here so I don’t get fined.

Ryne Reger

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in? 

Ryne Reger: I play tennis [at EHS], Quiz Bowl and Knowledge Bowl, participate a lot at my church St. Patrick, fencing club, Ping Pong Club, and the Dugsi Tutoring Program. 

Z: If you had one day to do whatever you wanted to, what would you do?

RR: I would definitely just try to meet new people. Go some place, talk to some random strangers, and see what I could do with them. 

Z: Bobba, coffee, or carbonated drink? 

RR: Boba! You know, Asian roots! 

Z: Who is your court crush?

RR: Lucas Flemming.

Z: What does being on court mean to you? 

RR: It’s exciting! It’s fun — especially as a senior to have this experience with a bunch of great people!

Oliver Parmekar

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Oliver Parmekar: I am involved in Hornet Connection, Unified PE, soccer, hockey, and I do some volunteering at Gigi’s Playhouse.

Z: If you were given a million dollars, what would you do with it?

OP: I would buy my family a house, put some in the bank to get the interest rate going, and use the rest to pay for college.

Z: What is your go-to dance move?

OP: Besides the classic Whip and Nae Nae, it might be the Shopping Cart.
Z: Who is your court crush?

OP: Kelly Wu or Ryne Reger

Z: What does being on Sweetheart’s Court mean to you?

OP: I’m blessed

Hector Barba

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Hector Barba: I don’t participate in any school activities.

Z: Who is your favorite superhero?

HB: Batman.

Z: If you could travel anywhere where would you go?

HB: Jamaica.

Z: What is your favorite after school snack?

HB: Gushers or fruit snacks.

Z: What does being on Sweetheart’s Court mean to you?

HB: It means a lot to me, it means the world to me because it’s a fun experience.

Paul Krenik

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Paul Krenik: I’m involved in band where I’m a drum major. I also play Ultimate Frisbee, I’m a President of the Ping Pong Club, participate in Fencing Club, the Outdoor Activities Club, and I’m Jack Thurk’s friend.

Z:  If you could play one of these instruments in band which would it be? 1. Slide Whistle 2. Triangle 3. Slip N Slide

PK: I feel like with the triangle I would have the most impact, but I have always been a big proponent of the slide whistle, so I gotta go with the slide whistle. 

Z: What’s your philosophy on life?

PK: Wake up. Have fun. That’s it.

Z: What’s your go-to Laffy Taffy flavor?

PK: Oh Banana all the way, all the other flavors suck except for banana.

Z: What does it mean to you to be on sweethearts court?

PK: It’s really cool to just be recognized by my fellow students… I wasn’t really expecting it a whole lot, but being woken up by a sophomore on Stud Co jumping on me was one of the most fun experiences of my life. It means a lot just because it’s really cool to be recognized as somebody.

Carter Curti

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Carter Curti: I’m involved in Model UN, band, 212 leadership, cross country, and track.

Z: What would you say is your spirit animal?

CC: A porcupine. 

Z: What has been your favorite memory from high school?

CC: My favorite memories probably have been the band trips to Orlando and Branson, Missouri.

Z: Does pineapple belong on pizza?

CC: Never, I don’t even like pineapple.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

CC: I guess it shows that people respect me and kinda like me, and it’s been really fun to be involved in all these activities this week!

Arthur Graham

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Arthur Graham:  I’m in French club, and I’m in Edina 212 cabinet. I’m involved in BSU. I am a student board member for Edina Give and Go and Edina Ed Fund. 

Z: What is your go-to sweet treat?

AG: I have such a sweet tooth but it would have to be Skittles.

Z: What tv show best describes you?

AG: Celebrity Big Brother.

Z: If you could name any food after you, what would it be?

AG: Probably a pineapple. Actually no, a jalapeno. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

AG:  I think being encore just gives me a chance to represent some people who might feel underrepresented in school. I think it also gives me a chance to just have fun, you know, give our school some pep, bond with some people that I might not necessarily bond with.

Ben Welborn

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Ben Wellborn: I’m involved in Edina Cross Country, Edina Track and Field. I am involved with the Edina bands, particularly I really like the marching band. And then, I’m with the Edina Hornet Thespians Club.

Z: Who is your favorite movie, TV, or book character and why? 

BW: I would choose the rebel from the Breakfast Club because he does an epic fist in the air, and he goes out with a bang. 

Z: What has your favorite memory from high school been so far? 

BW: To be honest, it’s been being on the court as I have been able to meet such a great group of people and have a great time. 

Z: If you could choose to have any superpower, what would you choose? 

BW: It would be wisdom. I want to help people in their time of need.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

BW: It’s a great honor to represent everyone in the school, and since I’m hard of hearing, I get to represent the hard of hearing community as well, which is usually really quiet. And I think it’s a great way to help people recognize that being hard of hearing doesn’t mean you have to be quiet all the time.

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