Rachel Wittmer

February 1, 2017

Zephyrus: What activities and sports are you involved in?

Rachel Wittmer: I’m a captain for swim and dive, I’m in symphony orchestra, chinese club, and I volunteer at Clownfish swim club.

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

R.W.: It’s really an honor to be voted by your class, I think that’s really cool. It’s a week of fun, I’m so grateful to have such an amazing senior class.

Zephyrus: Who is your sweethearts crush?

R.W.: Oh gosh, there’s a few cute guys, I think Josh or Joe.

Zephyrus: What is your go to dance move to impress your crush?

R.W.: I think pop, drop, and lock it.

Zephyrus: Best fast food place?

R.W.: I’m a Chipotle fan for sure.

Zephyrus: If you have the aux on a party bus, what is the first song you would play?

R.W.: The classic “Low” by Flo Rida.


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