
January 8, 2014

We’ve all been there: whoops. Here’s life, and you realize you haven’t slept in four days. Well, just in case you didn’t realize that happened, here are some side effects to help you recognize that you’re severely sleep deprived (read this, then you can nap afterwards):

-Lack of temperature control


-Holding in sneezes

-Fantasizing about zipping yourself all the way into a sleeping bag (this might also occur on bad days or snowy days)

-Being terrible at everyday tasks, like seeing

-WOAH IS THAT A HUGE SNAKE ON MY FLOOR?!? Nope, you’re just hallucinating

-Loss of the ability to speak English

-Morphing others into Power Rangers in your mind

Also, I’ve learned there are several stages to sleep deprivation:

1. Not even feeling tired at all, haha!

2. Are you getting sleepy yet? Nope, gotta push through it

3. Whoops you’re slap happy

4. You’re probably crying now. About nothing.

5. And now you’re the Incredible Hulk, and everything is making you angry but you don’t know why

6. Somehow feeling a mix of all these feelings at one time and can think of nothing other than resting your head on a beautiful pillow.

7. Sleeping for the next 24 hours straight (approximately)

Here’s something I wrote on the subject in 2011, back when I was an angsty teen. “Normally I don’t cry about being tired, but I have done it before, yes. I just think about everything which is the worst time to do it because everything is so much more emotional at night when you’re tired, unless of course you sleep during the day. Anyways, yes that is the story of my life, like if I let myself think at all before bed about boys or whatever is stressing me out, it just ends in bad places. However, it has gotten some really good poetry out of me, so in that respect it is nice I suppose. Sometimes I also figure stuff out at that time, but that is rare.” I hope that made you laugh.

Sarah says break was awesome and she hopes you slept well.


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