Congratulations to the 2021 Homecoming Court!

September 21, 2021

Morgan McLenighan

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Morgan McLenighan: I am a captain of the Dance Team, and I’m a captain of Hornettes. I’m a DECA Officer. I’m a part of 212, I run the Astrology Club. I’m in the SAFE Club. I recently joined the Investors Club, and I think I’m supposed to be [a] rugby manager this year. 

Zephyrus: What is a fun fact about you?

MM: I chipped my tooth on a fidget spinner, and it’s still chipped. 

Zephyrus: What do you believe is the worst pickup line ever?

MM: Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Because you’re an angel.

Zephyrus: If you had to give up one of your five senses what would it be and why? 

MM:  Probably smell because you wouldn’t have to smell all of the gross stuff around you, and you could resist all the sweet treats. Because I have a sweet tooth and if I smell [something] like cookies I can’t resist. 

Zephyrus: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

MM: Being on court to me makes me really proud of myself that my classmates see me as someone who is nice and outgoing and does what they can to make the school a better place.

Tully Clark

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Tully Clark: Mock Trial, Student Council, and I’m a church leader.

Z: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

TC: Cookies and cream with Cherry Garcia in a close second

Z: Does pineapple belong on pizza?

TC: I’m a fan of pineapple but Canadian bacon is disgusting, so no…

Z: You can become a cat or a dog for a day, what do you pick?

TC: Dog.

Z: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

TC: I really appreciate people giving me this honor… I’m super excited that people see me in that light.

Mahdi Mohamed

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Madhi Mohamed: Flag football, basketball, 212, astrology club, and hanging out friends.

Zephyrus: If your life was a movie what would it be called? 

MM: Living with Modpod.

Zephyrus: Who is your favorite celebrity?

MM: Michael B. Jordan.

Zephyrus: What’s your spirit animal? 

MM: Lion.

Zephyrus: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you? 

MM: It’s an amazing opportunity. I’m really happy for the opportunity and excited to make the most of it. 

Ryan Swanda

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Ryan Swanda: High school soccer, club soccer, concert choir, and volunteering with my church. 

Zephyrus: How high is your spice tolerance? 

RS: Moderate.

Zephyrus: If you were stranded on a desert island, what three things would you bring?

RS: Flairs, unlimited food, a boat. 

Zephyrus: Who’s your court crush?

RS: Atman

Zephyrus: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you? 

RS: It’s an honor to be voted on by my peers.

Charlotte Daly

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

CD: The things I’m involved in are Ultimate Frisbee, so I’m a captain for the girls’ team this year and I’m also on yearbook; I’m the photography editor along with seven other editors this year. I’m also a Hornet Mentor, so this is my second year being one, and I spend a lot of time doing volunteer work, so I’ve been doing that for the past year and a half. I’ve been focusing on food security and I’m also a boys’ soccer superfan!

Z:  What word can you never remember how to spell?

CD: This is kind of embarrassing, but yesterday, I misspelled “received” even though that’s the most common, like, ‘i’ before ‘e,’ expect after ‘c,’ but I still misspelled it.

Z: What would you name your own boat?

CD: Oh, definitely the Chartmobile.

Z: What’s the worst texture you’ve felt?

CD: I really don’t like the texture of shrimp in my mouth because it’s, like, squishy.

Z: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

CD: Being on Homecoming Court is meaningful to me because I love to represent the school because I feel like I have a lot of spirit for Edina, and I love spending time with all the other Court members because they are some of the greatest people I know.

Mason Platt

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Mason Platt: I’m a varsity Ultimate Frisbee captain at Edina, part of the Student Council and I play guitar in a pop band called “The College Fund” with some other Edina seniors.

Z: If you could travel to any country in the world, what would it be and why?

MP: I would go to Bali because everything there is beautiful and luxurious, but affordable.

Z: If you could write a song about any topic, what would that topic be?

MP: I would probably write about growing up and trying to slow down the exciting moments in my life.

Z: What is your go-to pick-me-up?

MP: Chocolate milk.

Z: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

MP: To me, being on court means being a representative of my class and not being afraid to embarrass myself in front of others, whether that means screaming out cheers at the football games or breakdancing in the middle of homecoming dance mosh pit. 

Harper Yang

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Harper Yang: I’m in Concert Choir and Varsity Cheer. I’m also a boys’ soccer superfan and the Vice President of Latin Club.

Z: If you could have one artist write a song about you, who would it be?

HY: Harry Styles. 100%. No contest. I just would love to hear what he has to say. Also, I just love him so any song that he makes would be a winner.

Z: What’s your zodiac sign and do you identify with it?

HY: I’m an Aquarius and I 100% identify with it because I’m really independent.

Z: What is the best decision you’ve ever made?

HY: The best decision I’ve ever made was not quitting cheer freshman year because I met so many friends and it’s a great leadership opportunity. 

Z: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

HY: It means a lot that people thought of me when they voted and trust that I’m a good person who deserves to be on court. 

Tommy Bowers

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Tommy Bowers: I’m on the football team, the skiing team, and I’m in 212.

Z: If you could be one fictional character, who would it be?

TB: Jack Sparrow.

Z: What topic could you talk about for hours on end?

TB: Movies.

Z: What’s your most unpopular opinion?

TB: I hate gum. I think it’s disgusting. 

Z: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

TB: I think it means that people think I have a say in what happens in the school and that I’m trusted by my peers. 

Atman Jahagirdar

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Atman Jahagirdar: I’m a Varsity Debate captain, a Novice Debate coach, a captain of the Ping-Pong Team, I played JV Tennis last year and will play again this year, I play Alto Saxophone for Concert Band and the marching band, and I volunteer with Fairview Hospital.

Z: Who on Homecoming Court would you take to a real court?

AJ: Depends on the crime they’ve committed. I’d take Chaz because it would be really ironic and funny.

Z: What is your most treasured high school memory?

AJ: At the moment it’s probably Student Council waking me up and pouring into my room, but before then it was going to [the state championship] for Ping-Pong with the school.

Z: Who is your court crush?

AJ: Ryan Swanda—he’s a charming man.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

AJ: To me being on court is important because it lets me represent the school spirit and it gives me the opportunity to do the activities and dances that I’ve seen people do the past few years. It really lets me become more involved in other aspects of the school and meet leaders, like people in Student Council.

Aidan Einhorn

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Aidan Einhorn: In school, I’m involved with the Edina High School Thespians Club, Whigrean, Student Council, Girls United, Science Club and I’m Co-Vice President of Latin Club with Harper Yang (shoutout Harper)!

Z: If you were a Marvel character, which one would you be?

AE: I really don’t know—my favorite character is probably Scarlet Witch, but I don’t see myself as her. I see parts of myself in her, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that I would be her. I just love her.

Z: What is your go-to throwback song?

AE: This isn’t the answer you’re looking for at all, but Enya makes me really nostalgic. That really throws me back to my childhood. A feel-good throwback song is probably “I’ve Got a Feelin’” by the Black Eyed Peas.

Z: Which Hollywood icon would play you in a biopic?

AE: Noah Schnapp, maybe.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

AE: It’s weirdly validating. I often think that everybody hates me, and so the fact that my peers actually like me is really nice.

Manaal Ahmed

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Manaal Ahmed: I’m the Varsity Girls Basketball manager. It’s my fourth year going strong. I’m the manager because I got cut, but I’m supporting the girls. Women empowerment, you know,.

Z: What’s the scariest thing that’s ever happened to you?

MA: I almost got in a car accident while listening to Pop Smoke.

Z: If you could choose one song to play every time you walked into a room, what song would it be?

MA: Industry Baby by Lil Nas X

Z: Imagine you live in a world where anything is possible. Five years from now, what are you up to?

MA: I want to learn to fly, like a professional skydiver.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

MA: I’d say being on court is about connection, because everyone is so nice and fun. Hanging out with them for one week straight is fun.

Hailey Swanda

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Hailey Swanda: I am a Boys Soccer manager. I’m on 212, I do Shop for One More and Active Minds. 

Z: If you could choose one movie to travel into, which would it be and why?

HS: Can I do a TV show? Then maybe I’d go for New Girl, because I love all those people so much.

Z: What is your favorite high school memory?

HS: The Halloween where the boys won the state championship for soccer.

Z: What is your favorite song right now?

HS: Hold on—can I look at my playlist? Okay, let’s go with The Lakes by Taylor Swift.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

HS: It’s so fun. I love hanging out with people that I really haven’t hung out with throughout high school, it’s a blast.

Michael Ovikian

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Michael Ovikian: I was Co-President and Co-Founder of the Investment Club. I started this with a friend, we both love the field and there was no club for it at the time. I play hockey Junior Gold specifically, high school [hockey] is a ton of work and I have more fun in JG anyways. I’m a Young Life leader with a church, I lead a lot of awesome kids.

Z: What does being on homecoming court mean to you?

MO: It’s an honor that my peers picked me, my fellow court mates are great people and it’s all been a lot more fun than I thought.

Z: What is the number one celebrity you want to meet?

MO: Warren Buffet, I want to talk about stocks and investments. Mostly stocks, specifically, as a few are down.

Z: If you had to sing a song on the spot, what would you sing?

MO: Love Story, Taylor Swift 100%.

Z: What’s your dream job?

MO: Chief Revenue Officer (Sales team leader) or a hedge fund manager. I would lean towards the Chief Revenue Officer, but anything in sales or investment I would love.

Lila Gorius

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Lila Gorius: I’m on the Model UN Leadership Team, my friend Fiona Shand and I founded Seasonal Activities Club, I’m a soccer superfan, JV Golf since eighth grade, I played volleyball for a year and then managed it for a year, and also Edina Choir. 

Z: What’s your favorite part about high school?

LG: I enjoy high school, I like learning, but I would say my favorite part is the people, so probably football games and friends, obviously, I love that. I’m very school spirit so that’s always fun, and doing homework with friends and stuff is fun. 

Z: What’s your favorite time of the year?

LG: Fall! That’s why I created the Seasonal Activities Club to do apple picking and stuff like that, I’m obsessed with it. I love Harry Potter, I’ll watch a Harry Potter marathon each fall and pumpkin spice lattes, and fall hiking. Hiking’s my favorite thing to do and just the leaves changing. 

Z: Did you pick up any new hobbies over quarantine? 

LG: I got back into crocheting and I got back into piano, and I worked out a lot, I just hung out with my family…very family-oriented. I love my family. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

LG: It means a lot. I love everyone at Edina High School, and I’ve put a lot of effort into doing a lot of things and participating, and it’s so cool that the high school wants me to represent them, and the senior class. And I love everyone in the senior class.

Myra Han

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Myra Han: I’m on the Girls’ Varsity Tennis team, I’m the leading Writing Center Peer Tutor, I’m in the Ping-Pong club, and I play the piano.

Z: What’s your favorite type of fish?

MH: Bass. My little sister has been having dreams about catching bass.

Z: What would you bring to a potluck?

MH: Bass. No, probably mac and cheese.

Z: Who’s your celebrity style icon?

MH: Gemma Chan.

Z: What does being on homecoming court mean to you?

MH: It means a lot. It’s so great to be recognized by people, I’m honored.

Connor Lund

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Connor Lund: I’m on Varsity Ultimate Frisbee, I’m in concert band as well as marching band, I’m a Girls Soccer manager, and I play football.

Z: You receive $2000. How do you double it in 24 hours?

CL: I buy a ticket to Vegas. I don’t trust my Texas Hold’em skills, so I probably just pick a solid sports bet with good odds, and throw the rest of the money on it. I’d probably have to bet against the Vikings, though.

Z: Donda or Certified Lover Boy?

CL: Donda.

Z: What’s your ideal final meal?

CL:  I would get a three-pound lobster boil from Smack Shack, I would replace the Polish sausage with an extra order of jumbo shrimp, and I would get double on the boil sauce and butter.

Z: What does being on homecoming court mean to you?

CL: It’s an honor. It shows that your school supports you and that you can represent them in a good way.

Sadie Roy

Z: What activities are you involved in?

SR: I play Varsity Volleyball, I’m on the drumline in the marching band and in concert band, I’m on Student Council and Student Senate, I’m a student member of the Edina Ed Fund board, and I’m a boys’ soccer superfan.

Z: Who’s your favorite Disney Channel character?

SR: I really like Parker from Liv and Maddie.

Z: What dog breed would you be?

SR: I would say I’m a Jack Russell Terrier.

Z: What’s your guilty pleasure?

SR: My guilty pleasure is using my dad for money and making him buy me ice cream.

Z: What does being on homecoming court mean to you?

SR: It’s a very high privilege that I get to represent my school, and I feel respected, which is a good feeling.

Chaz Contag

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in? 

Chaz Contag: I’m a varsity skier for Edina Nordic, and play ultimate frisbee, as well as helping as a peer tutor. 

Z: Who is your court crush?

CC: Connor Lund, I admire his hair and his inherently outgoing nature.

Z: If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would you eat?

CC: Brown rice, it’s versatile and leaves many options open. The advanced flavor profile allows it to serve as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Not to mention the multiple advantages stemming from the caloric efficiency it provides. Barring opinions, it sweeps white rice by a landslide in nearly every aspect. 

Z: Who’s your celebrity twin? 

CC: Gotta be Yung Gravy. 

Z: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

CC: It’s a super fun experience, spending time with new people has been a true movie! With COVID and such, it was difficult to connect with people for a bit, so I’m looking forward to seeing people at the pep fest and dance. Can’t wait to bust some moves; you know me. I must thank my friends for their unconditional support, especially Nick Hanten. 

Dorothy Stotts

Zephyrus: what activities are you involved in?

Dorothy Stotts: Varsity soccer and basketball captain, concert band and marching band.

Z: What is one thing you will never try?

DS: I will never try to scuba dive because I am terrified of the ocean.

Z: What was the best childhood show and why?

DS: Hannah Montana – she was an icon and lived the best of both worlds.

Z: What was your longest pre-high school phase?

DS: My longest pre-high school phase was wearing my hair in a high braided pony tail with a thick head band.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

DS: Being on court is such an honor and so fun to represent my senior class!

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