Mason Platt

August 21, 2021

Zephyrus: Which activities are you involved in?

Mason Platt: I’m a varsity Ultimate Frisbee captain at Edina, part of the Student Council and I play guitar in a pop band called “The College Fund” with some other Edina seniors.

Z: If you could travel to any country in the world, what would it be and why?

MP: I would go to Bali because everything there is beautiful and luxurious, but affordable.

Z: If you could write a song about any topic, what would that topic be?

MP: I would probably write about growing up and trying to slow down the exciting moments in my life.

Z: What is your go-to pick-me-up?

MP: Chocolate milk.

Z: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?

MP: To me, being on court means being a representative of my class and not being afraid to embarrass myself in front of others, whether that means screaming out cheers at the football games or breakdancing in the middle of homecoming dance mosh pit. 

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