Hannah Owens Pierre

September 13, 2022

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Hannah Owens Pierre: Editor in chief of this funny little thing called Zephyrus, I’m the captain of debate team, captain speech team, captain of mock trial, jazz band, pit orchestra, student tutor and drumline section leader.

Z: What’s the best after school snack?

HOP: An apple—seeds and all.

Z: What celebrity would you least want to be stuck on an island with?

HOP: Will Smith. I’m not trying to be the next Chris Rock. 

Z: What movie should everybody see at least once?

HOP: Joker (2019)

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

HOP: I got a free shirt and I was very excited about that. And I’m so pumped for everyone to see Doc, Kevin, and I’s dance moves.

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