Ethan Ruwe
Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Ethen Ruwe: I played soccer this year (I was a captain), I’m a Link Crew leader, I did SMATH last semester but this semester I had too many elective classes.
Z: What comes up first when you google your name?
E.R.: Probably some soccer stats.
Z: What is your go-to snack?
E.R.: Ooh maybe a nice honeycrisp apple.
Z: Favorite animated Disney/Pixar movie?
E.R.: I’d go ‘Hercules.’
Z: If you could go anywhere in the world for only an hour where would it be any why?
E.R.: Maybe I’d go to Paris, see the Eiffel Tower, maybe eat some good French bread.
Z: What does being on court mean to you?
E.R.: I think it’s a great honor. I’ve been chosen by my peers, and I think it’s fantastic. It shows my character and what others think of me as a role model in the school.