Congrats to the 2023 Sweethearts Court!

February 8, 2023

Lev Shogren

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Lev Shogren: I play JGB hockey, I’m a defenceman. I am involved in the Hornet Mentor program, I’m a cabinet member in that so that’s pretty exciting, you know me. I’m involved in Capernum through Younglife, as well as the regular Younglife program. I am also involved in Wuollet Bakery, that’s my family’s bakery, I work for them a lot. I don’t get paid but I do deliveries a lot and they pay for my gas. My favorite pastry is the Cheesecake there. 

Z: What is your summer job?

Lev: I work on a horse barn out in Plymouth. Me and my buddy Tyler Hewitson plant trees, we dig up roots, we built a little bit of a fence, and we built a trail. It sucks because I get all my clothes dirty when I work but it’s alright. 

Z: I know your car has quite the reputation, what makes it so special?

Lev: That’s right. I drive a 2010 Ford Expedition, it’s blue and it’s been titled “The Whale” because it’s so big, spacious and blue. It’s taken quite a beating, it’s never been fixed up. Recently actually, the brakes stopped working while I was on the way to school, but it’s okay because I slowed myself down by crashing into a snowbank and now it just sits in my driveway. No side mirror, the lights flash on and off, no tire pressure gauge, it’s got Bluetooth but no air conditioning. 

Z: Who would win a fight, a horse or a gorilla?

Lev: A horse. I saw this video of a small horse kicking a giant horse and it hit the horse right in the forehead and killed it immediately. I guarantee if a horse lands that kick on a gorilla, that gorilla is shattered. That gorilla has no chance and the horse is faster. The gorilla is also small. The horse would win unless the gorilla jumps from a tree which wouldn’t happen though. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

Lev: I didn’t honestly think I would win, I didn’t know that the court election was happening because I was sick. I was very happy to receive the call, I didn’t expect to be on court. I do think that there are some better members of the community that could be represented but I’m honored to be on court. I’m really happy about it. 

Kyla Willette

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Kyla Willette: I am a varsity cross-country captain, varsity basketball captain, I am on varsity lacrosse, and I am a peer tutor

Z: What is your dream job?

KW: My dream job would be working as a researcher in the biomedical field 

Z: If you were trapped on a desert island, what are three things you would bring?

KW: A SARL(Strawberry Acai Refresher Lemonade from Starbucks), Saltine crackers, and my stuffed animal

Z: If you won the lottery what is the first thing you would do?

KW: I would definitely use it to try and travel somewhere, there are so many places all across the world that I would love to see. 

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

KW: Being on court is an honor because it is really amazing to experience the feeling of knowing that your fellow peers and classmates have elected you for such an important position. I am super grateful to be serving on court this year!

Celia Vedder

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Celia Vedder: I am involved in Mock Trial, and Zephyrus, as well as being on the board of the Edina Girl’s Athletics Association, and Edina Reads Committee. I am also a wait assist at the Minikahda Country club. 

Z: If you could take a celebrity to sweethearts, who would it be?

CV: I would take Jacob Elordi, and I don’t think I need any explanation as in why. 

Z: If there was a TV show about you, what would it be called? 

CV: I think it would be called, “Sissy, Cecelia, CeCe, and Everything in Between.”

Z: What is the one item you possess that you’d run into a burning building to save? 

CV: My cats: Sparkles, and Yo-Yo. 

Z: What’s your life motto?

CV: Hiya, happy Saturday. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you? 

CV: It has been a super cool experience, and a great way to close my career at Edina. I’ve loved getting to know all of my fellow court members, and feel beyond honored to be voted on. 

Kayla Thomas

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Kayla Thomas: I do Model UN, Political Science club, and I’m very involved in concert band.

Z: What’s the best ice cream flavor?

KT: Salted caramel!

Z: If you had to live underwater or up in the clouds, which would you choose?

KT: Underwater.

Z: What is the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard?

KT: “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven” For sure.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

KT: It means representing my school, and the people who voted for me! 

Emily Leung

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Emily Leung: I’m in Model UN and I’m a captain this year, and then for band I’m a drum major which is really fun. I’m in Concert Band, I’m part of Girls United, and I’m on 212 cabinet. 

Z: What was your worst phase?

EL: I think the phase where I really wanted to paint my walls teal…I’m so glad my dad convinced me not to do that because if I had teal walls right now, I would be so upset.

Z: What’s the best karaoke song?
EL: “The Very First Night” by Taylor Swift.

Z: If you were a food, what would you be?

EL: Sushi? I’d say sushi, I guess. There’s no real reason why.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

EL: [When I got] on court, I was really surprised, but I’m really honored that my friends and peers voted for me. I think it’s really fun and I’m excited for the whole week, just to be on court with my friends and have fun.

Max Heirigs

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Maxwell Heirigs: I’m a member of the Math Team, a captain of Ultimate Frisbee, a baritone section leader of the marching bad and also part of Concert Band. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you? 

MH: It makes me want Bob Zhang to win even more. 

Z: What incredibles character do you think you are? 

MH: I feel like Edna because I like complaining a lot and I love her shiny black hair. I actually don’t have a good reason why. It just feels that way. 

Z: What do you think of pineapple on pizza? 

MH: I don’t like it. I understand if you want to put it on pizza, but it tastes bad. So, you just have bad taste buds. 

Z: How long do you think you’d survive in a zombie apocalypse? 

MH: If we’re being realistic given that we’re high schoolers, our bodies aren’t fully developed, zombies have infinite energy because they don’t sleep, they would just get you while you’re sleeping. And then you’re just done. Probably within a week I’d probably die.

Owen Nielson

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Owen Nielson: Capitan of varsity golf, president of the science club

Z: What is your favorite song at the moment? Why?

ON: This Feeling by The Chainsmokers. This song hypes me up and I feel nostalgia when listening to it.

Z: What is your dream job?

ON: I would love to be a golf course architect

Z: Who is your biggest inspiration and why do they inspire you?

ON: My dad, he’s a hard worker that made it from a small town. I love how he is kind to everyone he talks too.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

ON: It shows that I am a good person and I’m nice to a wide variety of people around school.

Shamita Senthil Kumar

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Shamita Senthil Kumar: The Edina Hip Hop Dance Team, Model UN, Latin Club, and the Breakfast Book Club.

Z: What is the best class you’ve ever taken?

SSK: Cybersecurity is a really fun class. You have the opportunity to learn all about different attacks and test them. It’s really cool to have that hands-on experience.

Z: What’s your getting-ready montage song and why?

SSK: Midnight Rain by Taylor Swift.

Z: If you could write a fortune cookie message, what would it be?

SSK: I would say “Live everyday to the fullest.”

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

SSK: It’s so much fun and exciting, I didn’t really expect it. It’s an honor to be on court and I’m very thankful for it.

Kelcie Meitz

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Kelcie Meitz: The Girls Varsity Basketball team, I’m a captain. Last semester I was a Peer Tutor, I’m in Concert Orchestra, and I do flag football.

Z: What is your best lunch spot?

KM: Starbucks

Z: What is your least favorite show?

KM: Spongebob

Z: What is your spirit animal?

KM: A Dolphin

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

KM: Court is a huge honor, it makes me realize how important my classmates are to me.

Richanta Pollard

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Richanta Pollard: I do Edina Swim and Dive, Hornet Mentors, Jazz Band, and Concert Band.

Z: You can only take one person from EHS with you to a deserted island. Who is it and why?

RP: I’d want to be there with Kayla Thomas. She’s a person on court and she’s my best friend. We’d probably be stuck there for the rest of our lives.

Z: What’s the first thing you’d do if you could turn invisible?

RP: Scare a bunch of people that I know.

Z: Is cereal soup or not?

RP: It is not a soup. Cereal is its own category in life. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

RP: It’s really exciting especially since I got to be with my friends. I think [being on court] was super cool and the people who are usually on it are awesome!

Caroline Ansems

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Caroline Ansems: I’m involved in yearbook, 212. I’m on Cabinet and a Hornet Mentor and I’m also on the fall and winter varsity dance team. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

CA: I think it’s fun to be a part of something with the school. It’s a really cool group of people and I’m just excited to represent my grade. 

Z: What song do you think describes you?

CA: Just because it has my name in it, Sweet Caroline. It’s timeless and classic. 

Z: Biggest red flag in your opinion?

CA: I would say being mean to your mom. If you’re rude to your parents or ungrateful, that’s a huge red flag. 

Z: Favorite ice cream flavor?

CA: Peanut butter chocolate.

Robert Zhang

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Robert Zhang: I am a captain of the Edina Boys’ Swim and Dive team. I’m also part of the  Edina Math Team because, why not? I’m also a part of the EHS Concert Orchestra.

Z: What is something you think is very overrated?

RZ: Summer

Z: What’s one food you could eat for the rest of your life?

RZ: Paul Villafana’s venison pasta

Z: What is your favorite sleeping position of all time?

RZ: Fetal. Oh, no, wait, flamingo. That’s the one where you have like one leg straight and one is over.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

RZ: To quote Kevin Yi, “Oh, no, it’s pretty cool that people actually know me.” Oh, and also, vote for William O’Connell.

Sophia Clausman

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Sophia Clausman: I’m a captain of the Edina Girls’ Swim and Dive team, I’m in Political Science Club, I’m a peer tutor, and I’m a president of Latin Club.

Z: If you could be friends with any historical figure, who would it be and why?

SC: Hmm, that’s a tough one. Probably Dorothea Dix because she has some based ideas about prison reform and mental health, which is important.

Z: What’s your favorite album and why?

SC: My favorite album has gotta be “Melodrama” by Lorde because every single song is a banger. Like, there are a lot of albums with good music, but that album has no skips, and it was revolutionary for the time. It set music trends for years.

Z: What’s your go-to coffee order?

SC: Either a vanilla or hazelnut crafted press from Caribou, with an extra shot of espresso. Literally so good. Recommend every time. 10/10.

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

SC: It’s an honor, I get to represent my community and my grade. I’m excited to get to represent Edina.

William Horsager

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

William Horsager: In school I’m basically just in baseball. It’s all year round, just practicing, lifting and training with the boys. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

WH: It kind of shows that my going around and trying to meet new people and get to know people has paid off and people voted for me. They recognized my name and were like ‘Oh yeah I’ll vote for him.’ So just kind of shows my effort to get to know people and put myself out there has paid off.

Z: What song do you think describes you?

WH: Yeah 3x by Chris Brown because it’s a pretty energetic song and I think I’m a pretty energetic person. It’s just kind of upbeat. 

Z: What’s the biggest red flag in your opinion?

WH: If they can’t communicate. Communication is key. 

Z: Favorite ice cream flavor?

WH: Oreo.

Nicola Santoni

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Nicola Santoni: I’m a varsity tennis captain and a varsity lacrosse captain. I also competed in DECA and I’m a Girls’ Book Club Member as well. 

Z: If you could replace all the grass in the world with one thing, what would it be? 

NS: I would replace it with beaches because I like beaches. Sand and water would be really cool. 

Z: If you could merge two different animals to create the ultimate animal, what two animals would it be and what would be their product? 

NS:  Maybe a bird and a dog. A flying dog would be pretty sick. 

Z: What fictional world would you want to live in?

NS: Maybe some kind of fantasy world with castles. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you?

NS: It makes me feel really honored that my other students and classmates chose me to represent the school, and it makes me excited that this is one way to end my senior year off.

Harry Otteson

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in? 

Harry Otteson: I’m in choir, I’m on the golf team and I play in the jazz band. 

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you? 

HO: I’m very excited about it and I’m so grateful to be voted on. It’s really fun to hangout with new people. 

Z: If you could be a cartoon character who would it be and why? 

HO: Ferb from Phinneas and Ferb. Finneas does everything for him and he just kind of goes along with it. 

Z: What is your guilty pleasure food?  

HO: Burger King chicken sandwiches. 

Z: What would you do if you won the lottery? 

HO: I would probably buy a nice car like a Porsche, donate a lot to a charity, and buy a boat and a house. 

Timothy Rupert

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Timothy Rupert: I do Model UN, Political Science club, and I’m very involved in concert band.

Z: What’s your biggest fear?

TR: Not getting into college

Z: If you had to give up one of your 5 senses, what would it be?

TR: Probably smell.

Z: What is the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard?

TR: If you were a booger I’d pick you first.

Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?

TR: It’s very nice! You know, that people think of me like that.

William O’Connell

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

William O’Connell: I’m involved in Badminton Club, the Swim and Dive Team, Philosophy Club, Book Club, Ping-Pong Club, and Concert Band, I’m a section leader in Marching Band for the Alto-Saxophones and I used to be involved in Cross Country Running. 

Z: If you could eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be? 

WC: Bread. You can make toast out of it, you can make crepes, you can make shapes out of it, you can get different types of it. You can make anything out of it. Just all-around best food. 

Z: Who is your spirit teacher? 

WC: Mrs. Degener, my English teacher from ninth grade and APULL. She’s always there for me, she swims, so we are very similar in that manner, and she taught me how to write English. 

Z: Who is your court crush? 

WC: Bob Zhang, no hesitation. 

Z: What does being on court mean to you? 

WC: It means I get the opportunity to campaign for Bob Zhang 

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