Cole Wiley

September 25, 2017

Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?

Cole Wiley: I’m doing cross country, Student Council, house basketball, flag football. I’m also starting a Zumba club, so that should be a lot of fun.


Zephyrus: What are you most excited about Homecoming Court?

C.W.: I am most excited about the dancing. The parade too will be fun because my little brother and sister will get to see me on that.


Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?

C.W.: My court crush is probably John Webb. And Grace Masuda also; we were dating back in seventh grade. I’ve still got some love for her.


Zephyrus: What’s your favorite party bus song?

C.W.: ‘We Dem Boyz’ is kinda one of my classic anthems.


Zephyrus: Were you surprised to find out that you were on court?

C.W.: I’m on Student Council, so we weren’t like woken up, so that takes some of the fun out of it, but yeah I was surprised to be on court, and I was excited.

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