Congratulations to the 2017 Homecoming Court!
September 25, 2017
Katherine Harkman
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Katherine Harkman: Treasurer of Student Council, Varsity Lacrosse Captain, Link Crew, St. Patrick’s Church leader, Starbucks barista, house soccer superstar, and trumpet player in Concert Band.
Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?
K.H.: Tyler Masuda–shoutout Highlands!
Zephyrus: What are you most excited for in the upcoming weeks?
K.H.: I’m so excited to get the school hyped and do the best dance that EHS has ever seen (shoutout to my dance partner and love of my life Cole Wiley) and reveal the inner princess that I’ve always been.
Zephyrus: What is your spirit animal?
K.H.: A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, specifically Michelangelo because I can beat anyone in an arm wrestling match and I really like pizza.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
K.H.: I’m glad that people appreciate my weirdness and it means that I get to come up with a dope dance now.
Tyler Masuda
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Tyler Masuda: I’m a runner so I do cross country; I’m a cross country captain.
Zephyrus: What would be your dream job?
T.M: I’m really into science right now so maybe a lab researcher in a biological science field.
Zephyrus: If you could permanently destroy a food forever, what would it be?
T.M: Raisins or pickles.
Zephyrus: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?
T.M: It’s a really cool experience, I didn’t think that it would happen, I didn’t really expect it but it’s really cool to be voted up by your peers. There’s no other feeling like it.
Anamaya Shore
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Anamaya Shore: I’m really involved in theatre. I have been a part of theatre since tenth grade and I really enjoy it a lot. I’m also a Co-Founder of Discussions on People’s Equality and a member of Girl-Up.
Zephyrus: What are you involved in outside of school?
A.S.: Outside of school I really enjoy playing music. I play piano, guitar, and ukulele, and I take voice lessons.
Zephyrus: What is your favorite song they play at school dances?
A.S.: ‘Lip Gloss’ by Lil Mama.
Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?
A.S.: Max Pardo.
Zephyrus: What is your best dance move to impress your court crush?
A.S.: Drop Top.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
A.S.: It’s good to know that the student body sees me as a leader and I am glad to know that my classmates think that I am a nice person because I really focus on kindness.
Josh Felton
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Josh Felton: Stud Co, Band, Student Section Fan Leader, and Ultimate.
Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?
J.F.: Greta Hanten.
Zephyrus: What’s the name of your go to Spotify playlist?
J.F.: Best of Josh. If you want to follow me on Spotify, search Josh Felton.
Zephyrus: Most embarrassing moment?
J.F.: Recently I was in Target trying to jump and I slipped and fell on my butt really hard. It hurt.
Zephyrus: What is your dream job?
J.F.: A professor at Stanford University teaching marine biology.
Zephyrus: How do you feel about being on court?
J.F.: I’m excited and it should be a fun time with a good group of people.
Greta Hanten
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Greta Hanten: Secretary of Student Council, Concert Band, church small group leader, volunteer at a domestic violence center, co-president of Sober Squad, JV lacrosse, and camp counselor.
Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?
G.H.: Josh Felton.
Zephyrus: What is your dream job?
G.H.: School nurse.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
G.H.: It’s really exciting because it’s a really fun group of people! It’s kind of like a big group of friends that are all super inclusive and nice, it’s a cool thing to be a part of.
Cole Wiley
Zephyrus: What activities are you involved in?
Cole Wiley: I’m doing cross country, Student Council, house basketball, flag football. I’m also starting a Zumba club, so that should be a lot of fun.
Zephyrus: What are you most excited about Homecoming Court?
C.W.: I am most excited about the dancing. The parade too will be fun because my little brother and sister will get to see me on that.
Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?
C.W.: My court crush is probably John Webb. And Grace Masuda also; we were dating back in seventh grade. I’ve still got some love for her.
Zephyrus: What’s your favorite party bus song?
C.W.: ‘We Dem Boyz’ is kinda one of my classic anthems.
Zephyrus: Were you surprised to find out that you were on court?
C.W.: I’m on Student Council, so we weren’t like woken up, so that takes some of the fun out of it, but yeah I was surprised to be on court, and I was excited.
Maria Boman
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Maria Boman: Girl’s Varsity Soccer Captain, DECA, Link Crew, 212, math tutor, Reading Club, Tennis Club.
Zephyrus: Who’s your court crush?
M.B.: Jonah Calvo
Zephyrus: Where are you hiding all your gold?
M.B.: In the chains around my neck.
Zephyrus: Wanna go to Homecoming with me?
M.B.: Yes!
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
M.B.: I’m really excited to be a leader in school spirit this fall!
James Kuznecoff
Zephyrus: How does it feel to be on court?
James Kuznecoff: Umm. Euphoric. Actually can I use a thesaurus?
Zephyrus: If you feel the need to do so.
J.K.: Excellent. I love every opportunity to expand my vocabulary. One moment please.
Zephyrus: Okay.
J.K.: Delighted. Dreamy. Ecstatic. Elated. Enchanted. Enraptured. Floating. Flying. God. Heavenly. In seventh heaven. In the twilight zone. Joyful. Joyous. Mad. On cloud nine. Rapturous. Ascendant. Spaced out. Turned on. Crazy. Delirious. Tickled pink. Upbeat. Ravished. Doped. Drunk.
Zephyrus: What dance move are you going to use at the coronation?
J.K.: Would you like to recommend me a dance move?
Zephyrus: I don’t know…the wheelbarrow?
J.K.: That sounds pretty sadistic.
Zephyrus: Who’s your court crush?
J.K.: Carl Weigel.
Zephyrus: Is it true that you plan to take off your shirt during coronation?
J.K.: I can neither confirm nor deny that allegation.
Grace Masuda
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Grace Masuda: Dance Arts Centre, Hornettes Captain, volunteer at Calvary Church, Spanish Club, 212 Leadership Team.
Zephyrus: Your court crush and why?
G.M.: John Webb–shoutout to my dance partner!
Zephyrus: Would you rather be beautiful and unknown or ugly but rich and famous?
G.M.: Ugly, rich and famous.
Zephyrus: What is your dream job?
G.M.: Preschool teacher or any job where I get to play with little kids all day.
Zephyrus: Spirit animal?
G.M.: A toad.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
G.M.: I’m so happy to be a part of a fun group of people and I’m excited to get close with them.
John Webb
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
John Webb: Well I play tennis, but probably my biggest activity right now is powder puff coach. Watch out for “Kiss My End Zones.” I also play rec league basketball.
Zephyrus: If someone made a movie about you, who would you want to be cast as yourself?
J.W.: *breathes in through nose…aggressively thinking* Probably Ryan Gosling.
Zephyrus: What is your favorite pickup-line that you would use to get a date?
J.W.: Are you a sea lion, cause I can sea you lion in my bed later.
Zephyrus: What is your go to dance move?
J.W.: The Macarena, it works to any song. It actually does.
(Zephyrus asked him to prove it and played “The Western Kids” by Hippo Campus. It’s true. John Webb has proven that the Macarena works to ANY song).
Zephyrus: What is your favorite ice cream?
J.W.: Probably like, okay, there’s this one at Sebastian Joe’s with peanut butter in it that I really like but I can’t remember the name. Not Pothole, mmmm I’ll just say it’s chocolate peanut butter ice cream.
Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?
J.W.: Grace Masuda, cause I’m dancing with her.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
J.W.: It’s an honor and I’m super excited and I think it’s gonna be fun dancing in front of the whole school.
Jhamese Harvey
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Jhamese Harvey: I am the captain of the hip-hop dance team, so that’s my favorite thing. I am in Mosaic, which is a group trying to bring unity throughout the school, and I am in YANA (You Are Not Alone) which is a safe place for people who are having problems at home. Those are the top three I can think of right now.
Zephyrus: If someone made a movie about you, who would you cast to play yourself?
J.H.: That’s hard because I don’t see anyone that is just like me…I would want me to play me because, I mean, it wouldn’t make sense if someone played me.
Zephyrus: What is your go-to dance move?
J.H.: The drop, the death drop. That’s my favorite one, I’m just so good at it. I dance all the time, so I have a lot of moves.
Zephyrs: What is your favorite pickup line?
J.H.: Ahh…I’m so corny. Do you smoke? Cause weed be good together.
Zephyrus: Who is your HC Court crush?
J.H.: Crush…what?!?! Uh…I don’t have a crush. Well, I’m paired up with Carl Weigel. I mean, they are all really attractive guys, but Cole Wiley and Carl Weigel.
Zephyrus: How do you feel about being on Homecoming Court?
J.H.: I’m excited! At first, I was kind of hesitant because I didn’t know if I was going to make it, but now that I’ve made it, hopefully I can get the crown. It will be fun!
Bobby Scalia
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Bobby Scalia: MUN, Mock Trial, 212, Science Bowl, and Girls Badminton manager.`
Zephyrus: Who’s your celebrity twin?
B.S.: Justin Theroux.
Zephyrus: What’s your favorite adjective?
B.S.: Discombobulated.
Zephyrus: Who’s your court crush?
B.S.: Anika Boss.
Zephyrus: How many kindergarteners could you take in a fight?
B.S.: Three max, they’re savage.
Zephyrus: If you were an animal, what animal would you be?
B.S.: Prairie dog.
Zephyrus: What was your reaction to being woken up for court?
B.S.: I had no idea, I asked “What’s this for?”
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
B.S.: It means an opportunity to represent the school.
Bella Dickson
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Bella Dickson: I do hip-hop dance, I’m an ultimate frisbee captain, and I’m a founder of the club Dope.
Zephyrus: What’s your favorite song?
B.D.: ‘Whip My Hair’ by Willow Smith.
Zephyrus: What’s your spirit animal?
B.D.: A red panda bear
Zephyrus: What are you looking forward to the most at Homecoming?
B.D.: I’m looking forward to just getting all sweaty and dancing a lot. I’m excited to see how I can dance in a gown.
Max Pardo
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Max Pardo: Captain on the Boy Soccer team, Saturday School tutor, manager of the Hip Hop Dance Team, manager of the Boys Hockey team.
Zephyrus: What’s your comfort food?
M.P.: My mom’s eggplant french fries.
Zephyrus: If you won the lottery today, what would you do with the money?
M.P.: I would spend a lot of it on my parents, because they’ve done so much for me.
Zephyrus: What’s your go to dance move?
M.P.: You’ll have to see at coronation.
Zephyrus: How do you feel about being on Homecoming Court?
M.P.: I think it’s an honor to be nominated by my peers to be on Homecoming Court. I’m also looking forward to dancing in front of the school.
Gretchen Gilbert
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Gretchen Gilbert: Flag football, band, and basketball sort of…
Zephyrus: Best fast food?
G.G.: Chick-Fil-A, no question.
Zephyrus: Who is your Homecoming crush?
G.G.: Jonah Calvo because he has games on his calculator.
Zephyrus: What’s your favorite go to dance move to impress your crush?
G.G.: Milly Rock.
Zephyrus: Best pickup line?
G.G.: No lines needed, just hit them with the Milly Rock.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
G.G.: It means that I have to be hype 24/7 for the next three weeks, which I am down for. Full send.
Carl Weigel
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Carl Weigel: Boy Scouts, Student Council, Band, small group leader at CPC, Varsity Tennis Captain. I also run the Community Ed tennis programs and love Tyler Masuda.
Zephyrus: What’s your favorite pump up song?
C.W.: Headlines, Champions, Over, Forever, Good Life, Show Me A Good Time, Energy, Not Nice.
Zephyrus: How many fifth graders could you fight?
C.W.: I would start at Highlands and I feel like I could take all of Highlands fifth graders, and then I would walk to Countryside and then I’d do them and then, and then I’d go over to Creek Valley and take them on, and then I’d go finish it off at Concord, but I’d go over to Normandale just for good measure.
Zephyrus: What is your spirit animal?
C.W.: Red panda, because they’re just super sick, they’re always just classed up, they dress well, and they’re creative, they think strategically, they know how to relax, and they know how to have a good time.
Zephyrus: What’s your go to snack?
C.W.: Probably an apple, but after a big workout I’ll make a big salad and chop up some avocados.
Zephyrus: What does it mean to you to be in Homecoming Court?
C.W.: I thinks it’s really cool, I think it’s going be be a lot of fun. I’m excited, there are a lot of fun people on court, I’m excited to get to know the people that I don’t know very well who are on court. I’m honestly super surprised that I made it and I’m just happy to be hanging out with Josh Felton.
Aliyah Lance
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Aliyah Lance: I play soccer and hockey; I’m also a peer tutor, and I do youth group through CPC.
Zephyrus: If you could take anyone on court to an actual courthouse, who would it be?
A.L.: I would take Gretchen Gilbert because I know she would put up a good argument.
Zephyrus: If you could volunteer one person on court to swallow a beta fish, who would you elect and why?
A.L.: For sure Max Pardo, because he would totally do it without me even having to ask.
Zephyrus: Who is your court crush?
A.L.: Bobby Scalia.
Zephyrus: What does being on court mean to you?
A.L.: It’s really special and it’s cool to see that your peers respect you enough to elect you.
Jack Bailey
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Jack Bailey: JV hockey, Boy Scouts, Drum Major in marching band, concert band, and Spanish Club.
Zephyrus: Who is your TV or movie spirit animal?
J.B.: Jim Halpert from ‘The Office’
Zephyrus: What’s your favorite food
J.B.: Market Pantry burgers for dinner, Target brand.
Zephyrus: If you could spend a day doing anything you want, what would you do?
J.B.: Being outside, hiking somewhere in nature like Montana or Alaska.
Zephyrus: On a scale of 1-10 how good are your dance moves?
J.B.: 6, not the best I have a few moves under my belt, nothing to brag about.
Zephyrus: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?
J.B.: It means that its pays off to be nice to everyone, to be acknowledged for being nice.
Anika Boss
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Anika Boss: Model UN, Student Council, Interact Club, Against Modern Slavery Club, piano, choir, rowing.
Zephyrus: Who is your celebrity twin?
A.B.: Reese Witherspoon.
Zephyrus: What was your reaction to finding out you were on Homecoming Court?
A.B.: I’m on Student Council, so I knew I was on court beforehand. It was exciting.
Zephyrus: Who’s your court crush?
A.B.: Bobby Scalia.
Zephyrus: What does being on Homecoming Court mean to you?
A.B.: It’s an opportunity to represent the student body and the school.
Jonah Calvo
Zephyrus: What clubs, activities, or extracurriculars are you involved in at school?
Jonah Calvo: Cross country, skiing, ultimate frisbee, orchestra.
Zephyrus: What’s your go to dance move?
J.C.: I don’t know, I’m not very good at dancing. I kind of just jump up and down in a mosh pit, I guess.
Zephyrus: What’s your favorite type of fruit?
J.C.: Pineapple.
Zephyrus: Who’s your Homecoming crush?
J.C.: Anika Boss.
Zephyrus: How do you feel about being on Homecoming Court?
J.C.: A little nervous, but overall excited. I’m kind of stressed about having to make a dance though.