As a high school student, endless essays, countless problem sets, and exhausting sports practices consume my day – and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Consequently, the times when I can sit down and finally take a breather are seldom without stress. What I would really need is a time during the week, even a couple of minutes, where I can rest my mind or get a head start on my math homework so that I don’t have to worry about it later. Wait a second – we do have that now! Introducing the magic of Collaborative Wednesdays!
Taking place after 3rd hour on Wednesdays, this collaborative time fits perfectly into our schedule. It splits the week exactly in half, with two and a half days behind us, and two and a half that we still need to look forward to. Everyone needs a little break once in a while, and Wednesdays now offer a time to do just that.
Group projects are often a hassle, as students are never free at the same time. However, with this 80-minute block period, stress can be diminished as partners have a common time to advance on their assignments.
What’s great about Collaborative Wednesdays is the opportunity to meet with teachers. Coming in before school, or having to stay after can often be difficult to fit inside the busy schedule of both students and teachers. However, with this time block dedicated to visiting teachers, coming in to ask for help is much simpler and more manageable.
Additionally, getting little bits of homework done during this time is not only easier, but also enjoyable as friends offer different ideas or help to get the job done. The evening is then free to finally obtain some long lost sleep!
Whether it’s catching up with an old friend or on an overdue essay, Collaborative Wednesdays have definitely reduced work-related stress and allowed me to organize my time to better fit my hectic high school schedule.