Mallika Srinivas
Cereal Killers
No not serial killers…CEREAL killers! The entire week leading up to Sadies, eat a mini box of cereal for breakfast so that when it comes time, you have enough boxes for the costume. Find a white t-shirt from a family member or friend and write “cereal killer” across the chest in serial letters. Hot glue all of the mini boxes of Lucky Charms, Froot Loops, Cookie Crisp, Captain Crunch, etc. across the body of the t-shirt. To add some finishing touches, stab plastic spoons into the cardboard to mimic a knife and splatter some red paint for an extra effect.
The Price is Right!
Have a group of four and looking for a simple and unique costume? Have you always wanted to be on The Price is Right? Find a blue, red, green and black t-shirt (one for each of you) that will be your signature color. Purchase or create a black outlined and yellow filled name-tag in the shape of a price tag and write your name in black with all caps. Additionally, write your three (or less) digit score on a piece of cardboard with your signature colored construction paper as the background so the entire dance floor can know who’s the winner.
The Spice Girls
Okay, okay… I know that dressing up as Baby Spice or Ginger Spice is not an easy task. So why not make it simpler? Find a black t-shirt, black pants, a red baseball cap, and a red apron. Do you see where I am going with this? The only finishing touch is hot gluing/taping on a large cut-out of your favorite McCormick spice! How about some of that Ginger?
ALVIN! And the Chipmunks
Are you a part of a terrific trio? Well, there is no better one than Alvin and the Chipmunks. Find a solid red, blue, or green sweatshirt (or equivalent would work as well). If you have animal ears – awesome – but no worries if you don’t, an old headband, construction paper, and glue should do the trick. Don’t forget some yellow duct-tape for whoever decides to take on the role of Alvin. You’re going to need that capital A secured across the entire body of the sweatshirt.
This is a great costume idea for those going in larger groups. All you have to do is dress in all black. Then, with a piece of yarn or ribbon and cardboard, write a single letter of your choice and let it hang in front of your body. Throughout the entire night when you are with different friends from the group you can work on seeing what words you are able to spell with each other. Don’t forget to write the number of points in the corner and add them up to see which group wins!
Red Destination Pins
Who doesn’t rely on Google Maps? In a simple grey t-shirt and black pants, criss-cross the front of the t-shirt with yellow duct tape and write random street names across the strip. Buy a large red poster board and cut out a 3ft x 1ft raindrop shape. With the point facing the ground, cut out a circle at the central bottom large enough to fit your face. Starting with the first person in your group, write a single letter (starting with A) at the top of the destination pin. Is your group large enough to make it to Z?