Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Senior Collin Dobin
Collin Dobin (pictured) is a senior at Edina High School.
1. I can’t watch TV. I try but I always get bored
2. I only use Netflix for TED talks and documentaries because yolo.
3. My favorite band is Punch Brothers and they don’t belong to any genre because they’re that cool.
4. I learned how to drive in “Grand Theft Auto.”
5. I’ve never seen the movie “Frozen.”
6. I follow back anyone that follows me on Twitter (@bigpapadobes).
7. I never wear the first outfit that I put on in the mornings. I always change my mind and change at least two times.
8. My beard consists of multiple colors and it changes depending on my mood—like a mood ring, but a mood beard.
9. The first time I shaved, I cut my upper lip, but said that it was from a dog scratching my face (I’ve never had a dog).
10. I used to be a thespian, but then sports happened.

Drew Davis decided that it would be pathetic to recycle his sophomore year bio a third time, so he wrote a new one. Drew is thrilled to be online editor...