Annika Kieper
A portion of the Zephyrus Editorial Board gives online advice.
Have you heard of the new hashtag #EPSThink? If you haven’t, look it up on Twitter. The hashtag is for January’s digital citizenship month, which was made to raise awareness for what you post on the web. It may not seem important now to watch what you post, but it could differentiate your future.
All students should care about what they post because nowadays, most people, including teachers, school administrators, and parents are active on social media. This means that not only your reputation can get discredited, but your future as well.
Julie Johnson, a senior at Edina High School said, “you shouldn’t posts rude things about anyone if you wouldn’t say it to their face.”
The Edina School District created the hashtag to promote awareness to the continuous problem of cyberbullying and misuse of social media. They then asked Student Council members to get involved. Throughout the month, Student Council members have been posting photos on social media relating to #EPSThink.
“I hope people are being careful about what they post on social media, it can have a negative outcome,” said Johnson.
#EPSThink will be around the month of January, but regardless of the month, students should always think twice about what they are posting on social media. “It’s no joke, and there is no going back.” Johnson said.
We, students at EHS, should be responsible and be respectful whenever posting on social media. Nobody wants to be the victim of bullying, or the person forced to send inappropriate pictures.