On Thursday, Nov. 1, Edina High School seniors and community leaders gathered for the 2018 Veterans Day Celebration. After a controversial protest broke out at last year’s assembly, the organizers made this year’s event more intimate with only one grade attending and included a new emphasis on service and leadership.
The event featured keynote speaker Sergeant Paul Jensen who is a decorated member of the U.S. Navy. Student Senate members Arleth Ulloa (19’) and Monte Mahlum (20’) emceed the event and introduced each of the panel members: Jodi Ramirez, Michael Ramirez, Paul Jensen, Meg Rodriguez, Sen. Melisa Franzen, Rep. Dario Anselmo, and Dustin Brockberg.
A representative from the Edina chapter of the League of Women Voters was present after the assembly to answer questions and to register qualified seniors to vote. The EHS Concert band and choir together performed “Homeward Bound” as well as the National Anthem.
The panel suggested a variety of ways to serve one’s country or community, whether in the form of taking public office, participating in a non-profit, or serving in the military. Rodriguez, a representative from Edina Give-and-Go, remarked: “There so many personal rewards you can reap from giving service in an organization.”
State Senator Melisa Franzen agreed saying, “The most rewarding part of service is serving my constituents, I serve everyone.”
Michael Ramirez, Air Force veteran and husband of EHS teacher Jodi Ramirez, felt similar feelings of reward from his service: “Walking in the Mall Of America and seeing civilians feeling safe and not worried gives me a sense of true happiness in my heart.”
Jodi Ramirez, also an Air Force veteran, followed this up saying: “Service is important to my family. We serve where we can, it’s how I can give back to the community.”
The panel also mentioned the hardships that may come with such dedication to service. Brockburg, an EHS alumnus from 2004 and Army veteran remarked, “Service isn’t the easy road. I graduated [high school] in June and in July I was driving a tank in Kentucky. Six months later I was driving a tank in Korea. You are going to meet a lot of people with pain.”
Anselmo, the MN State Representative for Edina has had different obstacles in his field of public service. “Being out here when people are frustrated and angry is a great opportunity to let people know you can be inclusive, care about the environment and also be a Republican,” Anselmo said.
The panel had similar reasons for entering into a life of service. “Top Gun came out when I was in high school and I wanted to be Tom Cruz,” Michael Ramirez said with a laugh. Jodi Ramirez said her reason was that she “wanted to be an astronaut.”
Jensen concurred, “I was 18, it seemed like a great way to pay for school and get out of town.” However, for all, service turned out to mean much more. Jensen describes his service as giving him “a chance to earn prosperity and success.”