photo by Lance Elliot
Mosberg placed 6th
Amanda Mosborg finished first for Edina in the Girl Cross Country State meet this past Saturday and sixth place overall. Her 5k time was 18:35 minutes, averaging 5:48 minute miles. The team placed first for the second year in a row with three runners who finished in the top ten. Last year the team made it to nationals in Portland, Oregon with hopes to make it back again this year.
Mosborg is a senior who has been running cross country for six years and is one of four captains of the team. “I started running because I used to figure skate, but I quit figure skating and I needed a new sport,” said Mosborg. After running a couple fun runs with her dad, she decided to try cross country and never looked back. Being a leader of the team, one of her favorite parts is helping the younger runners and showing them that running can be fun. She loves setting an example of what hard work and determination looks like and where it can get you.
Along with being a captain, one of her favorite parts of the season is actually the pre-season summer running. “[I] like having something that gets you up everyday of the summer,” said Mosborg. Another highlight of the season is the championship part. She was thrilled about the win at state and felt like they earned it. “We had tough competition at state, it wasn’t like it was easy for us to win, so we really proved that we are as good as people had been saying we were all season,” said Mosborg. They had a lot more media coverage and publicity than last year and they didn’t want to let people down. This weekend the team will travel to Sioux Falls, North Dakota to compete in regionals, where they are ranked third. “We are going to have to fight for it and I think since we beat one of those teams at state we definitely have a good chance,” said Mosborg. She is very excited and hopes to finish off her senior season on a high note.
Apart from cross country, Mosborg is a Nordic Ski captain this winter and a Track and Field captain this spring. This three-season varsity athlete is busy, but still makes time to do well in school. She plays sports year-round but also plays in the high school band and volunteers through the 212 Leadership Team and the Children’s Hospital. She finds that the hardest part is missing class, sometimes multiple times a week, due to early releases. Although missing class can be rough, she really knows how to stay on top of homework. “The homework usually isn’t too bad because when you have a sport after school you’re more motivated to do homework after that,” said Mosborg. With her busy schedule, the time she does have for homework has to be used efficiently and it’s crucial to stay on task.
Next year Mosborg is leaning towards running D3 but is looking at U of M as a possible option if she decides to run D1. Either way she knows she wants to stay in Minnesota, and whatever she decides, surely they will be thrilled to have such a hardworking and dedicated student athlete.